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Everything posted by Godfather

  1. the stunts were decent...some landings were sloppy but, altogether a good flick for a "put-together" vid. UL's sig powns
  2. yea. snakes on a plane rocks
  3. *ahem* Corned beef > scooter > biketrials > mtb > bmx > feets man flesh > Corned beef > scooter > biketrials > mtb > bmx > feets yah drink cum
  4. lol wheelie didnt notice until i told him. he's a blind entry point
  5. depends, acid bath or snake bite?
  6. skate LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLERSKATES and btw biketrials > mtb > bmx scooter > biketrials > mtb > bmx > feets no, so hard to recognize u then
  7. yah keep yourself in posttopic
  8. I said you sucked... 8--)
  9. If she said Knulla dig I bet she was a bimbo!
  10. Yea. Directly, that gets no sense, when you say skit på dig, the correct translation is f.uckk you
  11. Silb: fuck you me: Oh, come on, you cant do better than that?
  12. Kan du inte bättre? Kom igen... air force = no penis
  13. errrm dude, Gof IS porn You have a free pass!
  14. You know...its Slayers fault Du är en invalid liten chileneger, som skulle må förbannat bra om du hade 37 pysslingar uppkörda i rektum.
  15. WMM A badass guy with magical powers In the basement, make-out corner 1. Vegas 2.Some one who only appears to make fun of Gof or Wheelman 3. Gof was in sweeden I was in Canada ya
  16. Dassa... dAAzA... Daza... Mickey Mouse Army Gay
  17. I want more jerkbags to see this shit!
  18. I'll buy you one if you can prove you got laid...
  19. Like gycu said... but my example goes here; OK, do your mom have like, clamydia (i think you spell it like that), aids or something else? If yes, dont use one Nope.You don`t need a condom `cuz you`re doing it with your left/right hand ... roflmao, that was a good one
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