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Everything posted by Godfather

  1. 1: You guys are making videos fast. 2: I like your videos so I'm not complaining 3:
  2. Don't touch Ocean, Matt. Please. I like him
  3. 1. You must be joking.Dude go watch some tuts from Fugitive.You need them.Badly. 2. You should do stunts that are amazing not those done the first try. 3. Ex. your packer to precision(there's lots of 'em) isn't amazing at all.Just take a packer,put it in the right place and voila. 4.Try P2B and more bumps and even grinds.Practice in SA-MP and ask ppl for advice. Thats it from me. 5. P.S.I cant say how much the vid sucks 4. Endlish please 5. Wheres yours then? It only sucks in your oppinion... 4: wtf 5: http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17803#
  4. This video SCREAMS enjoyment. Awesome work guys
  5. Did anything sexual appear in the movie? If not, well... then it's not that big of a deal. It's not like they don't know how the other gender looks like. If it did, well... okay. Then the parents is kind of irresponsible.
  6. You are running out of things to say when you complain about the spelling of someone. and the whole point is that I don't like you, mainly cause you mod and says you don't. 2
  7. It's not my fault that you are to stupid to make yourself clear from the start. : D
  8. 1: Thanks 2: F*ck Off... I never said a was perfect dumbass. 2: It's really annoying having to wait to record my perfect stunts!
  9. Just that it's the [insert random number]th time it's posted.
  10. 1: Don't have ghosttown enabled 2: You are as far from perfect anyone can get
  11. dude jimmy page rocked screw you He's dead and sucked when alive. Effin' high bump here matey
  12. Newsflash: This is dead, I think. Noone cares about you making a website and a SA series
  13. Ehm. Ok. This was an really old dustcollector you found!
  14. that was probably a windows movie maker glitch or something. like i said before. and anyway, 1 stunt looking fake doesn't make the rest of them fake! the first stunt was probably the most boring stunt! i liked the riding up the wall and landing on the thin wall at the side! took me ages to do that! go on, tell me that was fake too... WMM had a glitch that masked your bike, moved it upwards, and ofcourse replaced the cutted out space with something similiar? Wow, Im gonna try WMM. And no, they dont. But since you said 'no mods used' it kinda makes you look retarded, <:
  15. Yeah, I know. But you went UPWARDS like you were affected by the MOONS gravity! : D
  16. there are no bloody mods for christs sake!!! If i was gonna use mods the stunts would be better! get over it! Please, learn me how to get boosts in the air!
  17. Does The fact that that is the server one of the vids was made on sound good enough?? No
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