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Everything posted by TOXIC

  1. MOTHERFUCKING HELL TM PLEASE MSN Which in normal language means, TM, that owns.
  2. TOXIC

    Now thats something like **** :D

  3. Again and Again, why you guys are thinking that the bike is a cut-out? I MYSELF HAVE KEPT THOSE BLUE EDGES BY RUBBING OFF ONE OF THE LAYERS//
  4. Added new examples now, CLICK and check out first post Now comment upon them people
  5. TM I'm sorry to hear that you think I would've left those aqua things as they are....But I already said : And there are no cutouts, no text....just the image of the bike....
  6. I think I was too obsessed with th way I put the bike on it...ummm, anymore comments/?
  7. TOXIC

    That personal Pic looks like stolen from the sets of an '80's movie....or '70's rather ;P

  8. Tell me whats with this new sig, eh guys? Don't bother those light blue strokes above the body...they're intentional EDIT - This looks damn easy to do, but I want to know how does it look, since I myself love simplicity and being classic
  9. Good Luck with having a shop...open up a shop [where Evo said] and get started
  10. Lol Just right click on image and select "Copy Image/Link location"...then just add it to your sig
  11. I think the pattern is Liberty - Vice - LA+SF+LV....Liberty- - Vice -...etc So Vice comes next ofcourse
  12. Lol can't take him out of this pic ! Want another ? And no text?
  13. Suggestion, actually a Question, who's giving Tommy the Money?
  14. What you want written on it? "Saint Row 1 Fan"...or what? Just "Saint row 1" and "saint row 2" written on two different userbars?
  15. Oh yeah baby, Virgos are the sex of the day lol ;P

  16. Go to hell Lol sorry if that hurt but it was the first thing to come to my mind, you already know I won't disrespect you
  17. No Thats just my first try at animation, which turned out to be better than I expected so I didn't care about the size Anyway, if you have any tips to share just send me a PM
  18. double post* Casper : http://www.imagelodge.net/imgs/toxic/Casper-ava-newlek.gif http://www.imagelodge.net/imgs/toxic/Casper-newn0b.gif On yours Claude
  19. You're taking unfair advantage of my inactivity Make the BG more prominent than brushes plz
  20. 2Mp? Lol I should try something with my phone now Off topic : I, killed myself laughing
  21. Yo ALVAS, I did that naked thing for him, he asked me to do so. You are getting better than me, seriously. I appreciate your skills and the rate at which you're growing
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