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Everything posted by TOXIC

  1. I knew when Paint is in good hands, it too, promises to be worthy and faithful to its master...nice job pal. Looking forward u create wonders if and when u use Adobe....or keep up the good work with Paint itself.
  2. Well, I guess he wants to show us what could a Quad do with specs of an NRG, or vice versa
  3. well, for u I got a word mate, I saw him[DC] active in the gtastunting forums yesterday, even sent him a PM there, but as usual, he's very reserved and won't reply, and he didn't!! ...checked just now
  4. sorry for the bump, but got to thew Lounge after a long period Yep. I think he's right....what wud be life w/o a lil' courage? U should try what Slayer suggested....try to be a bit energetic, a bit confident. Thats what I did when I wished my gurl on her birthday for the 1st time....she didn't even knew me then.. ...the result came to be like....I am the only boy she talks to in the class now! {she never did to anyone else tho}
  5. yEAH, AGREED...probably seen that before btw nice seeing it here
  6. Does that mean "Ya"? or Just a bump to the topic...If it was "Ya"...then a beer's comin ur way ...thnx...if not, i can do nuttin
  7. lol when you send me crap, anybody who sends me stuff through Pm's i dont reply, AND YESH OK OK Ok....am I in?
  8. Hello MY fellas, its great I got in the gang as a Stealth Assassin, seems good by the name, doesn't it? And wassup with y'all guys?
  9. Well, the things u're doing are alright, but saving the game as early (after mission is passed) as possible should be done...... In my case I didn't change the controls only for the mission and those too, not the arrow keys. I used always these in Hydraulic lowrider bets : Home = Up End = Down Delete = Left Page Down = Right In this way my fingers got the feel of four arrow keys and as simple as that, I never changed this type of controls, worked rock solid for me though, I think it will work good next time you play and make sure you save your game. EDIT: omg, i checked this after i posted, now i have 500 dollars<forum points,lol> And mind you....only by posts and topics....not by receiving money from users or arcade challenges....<Yeah, i dont care if someone else has much,much,much, more dollars..>
  10. I was Just womdering, WHY THE F"CK IS WHEELMAN101 NOT REPLYING TO WHAT I JUST ASKED, I KNOW I'M IGNORABLE, but not this much.....If any probs, just tell what u have in mind...
  11. @ wheelman101 : Man please reply about what I asked...maybe a PM or in the forums itself.
  12. I D K whether this has been said bfore, but i wanted : an in-car camera mode THAA MINiGUN OFcourse, but not as silent as it was in SA Drifting ability in cars and more power-slides with bikes..... Bike pimping ability Binocs MORE L8r
  13. well I gotta say a thing first, hahahahahahahaha.... All great players from San Andreas and all have different info to give it to a n00b.... Well one more thing :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: I can't imagine the expression on the face of whoever wrote the above line..... Now, jokes apart...complete all the story missions.....and then you get the ability to take over again....and btw don't try to got to LS again until the storyline takes u there, otherwise the other Gangs will "FILL YO CAP WITH THA NINE" I mean waste u into peices of sh/t....coz temporarily, its there area and u can do nuttin to it...so roam across other parts of SA till then, they<other regions> will serve u as a Mother...eNjoy
  14. @ wheelie.. Well, All I gotta say is did u recieve my stuff ?, sent it 2 ya thru a PM..... And plz tell me abt the ggmm file, coz the .txd (for that particular file) doesn't seem to work . @ All:And hope all you ppl's stuff is good and it surely pwns mine. AND DON'T THINK I'M STUPID...I HAD A FEW SPARED .REPS, SO PROBABLY A LAST TASK IN STUNTING....
  15. What? I cannot believe it, Someone on TGTAP likes me ??? well thanx for moral attention....remember...u gotta learn and u gotta stunt...so do it mate...tnx again
  16. That's what I meant. I wasn't trying to offend you. Maybe I was a little bit too harsh. k, Thats kool with both of us...but rem'ber in future not to be so FAST in hurtin someone.....at the wrong place for de wrong reason at the wrong time
  17. Yeah, I want 'em too...and I dont think they will be on rare occassions...cuz R* have not yet put female cops on the streets of their games; and if they will...they will put them as normal male ones, cuz whats new in the game is put in such a way that it can be felt more often..thats my view btw. Another reason, just like Barbara...if the game has considerably "needy" and "desperate" femi' cops, u can get outta jail by Impressing them, spending time, etc. <in game, of course; lol>
  18. ohh... Yeah i really meant that "can feel U Ghost...", but i didn't understand what has that to do with topic remaining open?? And thats alright, i mean anything can affect ur emotions until u control them..but i like that game stuff and all just as i do to my body or w/ever. I just got the hang of stunting recently....saw into challenges, tried them, didn't happen good, and on the top of all disappointment....I was deprived of playing..thats why it affects me..
  19. Its really difficult for me to understand what u're saying....and its really difficult for u to understand how it feels to leave ur only source of entertainment....try it
  20. Thanx Slayer, i thought this wud be removed on the day i post this topic Thanx to all of U, I never thought this much number of ppl wud ever read my post and reply... I never even thought I'll get Ghost to talk to me...coz I didn't saw him much in Forums but luved his work very much.A big Thanx for your suggestions guys...but I'm a bit f/ckin crazy after seeing all ur work, so being a good stunter was always a dream, and so I went on hours stunting, just to find that I was a fool at this......coz it requires both practice and patience.. @Ghost: My pop won't listen to the Idea u gave, coz even playing SA had become a yes or no situation, way back in Junne 2006...wherein my pops lemme to play only till August'06... somehow i managed a year, but now its too near the exam. One more thing @ GHOST:Never thought i will tell u this: The first vid i saw was Blackout SA and don't know the name of the song....not even now, but whenever I see it and listen to the song..i can feel U Ghost...screaming and singing that song<a bit madness of Mine>so definitely bit stunting, bit studying; wont work...but thanx again @Slayer: can this topic remain open 4ever? @Genyus:See? everyone ain't like u, not all ppl think that emotions and expressal of feelings means wasting time @JayD: I ain't on Orkut, was never even. May be Msn or Y! Messenger will do? But then too,the person is U who can understand what i'm feeling now... Btw I sit on PC for continuous 4/4.5 hrs...my folks aint likin this! @ all u who care: A flow of emotions makes me feel and listen to the song in Underrated...for those who've not seen or like the song, I've ripped it here.. EDIT FROM ME : ok...i just wanted y'all to listen it....but its removed now.. MODERATER'S EDIT: Don't redistribute copyright material
  21. I already told ya, it ain't spam...Its just what i wanna share on TGTAP Stunting forums..to my own community.iddn't u read the whole thing? I ain't doin this for earning stupid dollars or to draw some attention or publicity...i said this in here coz none of stunters were going to see this if i posted in General Lifestyle discussion or whatever And whether I'm gonna stop or leave is upto me and not yet decided. . . Capiche?
  22. ye hi howdy from me too

  23. 100 stars and you are protected By an Invincible private Heli...probably from a Person "D", who takes u to his mansion to be his 50% partner and kill whosoever comes in way of their business by giving u new guns and all....hahahahahaha u now own Makaronia State{apparently the San Andrean name for Cali4nia} I'm dying laughing over here at 100 stars :rofl2:
  24. @-All Admin/Moderater staff, please Don't move/consider spam/ban/edit this topic... This Should be in no other than the Stunting section, since its the one of the 2 only places i'm related with TGTAP. @-All ppl,it aint boring if u care 2 read what happened here.... Stunting came in my life, changed it completely and I'm sure one day it'll get lost...somewhere in the old pages of TGTAP Stunting Forums...where and when no one wud even care where this 'Fool' is. I Don't kno how to start, but here goes/ I came to the TGTAP in Dec'06 while searching for maps for SA.I downloaded some stuff,Came to kno abt stunting vids and all, watched them and I registered into forums on 12th jan'07.I finished my game<SA> in MAY. Inspired by all this on TGTAP, I started stunting<which sucks even till now>. while making a solo, I heard abt a collab seeking for members to take pat in<Topic by DDX/Edit by DC>,so I changed my SA outfit, Made some 10/so reps...sent do DC thru DDX, and recieved that I'm not included coz my stuff wasn't that good,never mind. I continued with my solo and released it as TOXICITY<didn't work as well, coz i never used programs like GTASA CC,so it took time to do stuff>...even tho I got scoldings from family and teachers for not giving time to studies. AND now this month<August>, I saw the collab didnt come up since DC-vegas problem and all,etc...u can read in that topic. So I was told If my stuff was good now, I'll be selected and taken,so i was trying for few days for the same. Now, MY most important exams are due in Feb/March and for which I'm bound to and forced to STUDY<tho it is for my own benefit>. So, my elder Bro has uninstalled SA, And i kno i wont be allowed to play/stunt/whatever with SA... Now, all ppl here in my home {my Family memba's} kno that I totally suc at every walk of life and that stunting/gaming is not a way of life, but waste of resources...MY eyes need a pair of glasses to see things far away<which i hate>..I'm slim..don't study as I did when I was younger from now..don't have any GFs or whatever... But I wanted to take part in all those vids as we all like to. NOW,a BIG THANX to TGTAP Forums who served me like family/child relationship. Now I kno its not that easy to make a reputation thru stunts, u gotta be perfect, different.. But still, I feel like getting out of the world and screaming like its raining BLOOD in HELL.. I just wanted 2 xpress myself like its the very human tendency. Those who think they wasted their time reading this sh/t, can think w/ever they like, its their lookout. I apologize for any mistakes that i did from the day i entered TGTAP... And SORRY COZ I CUDN'T SERVE MY STUNTING COMMUNITY AS IT DID TO ME JUST FEELING LIKE I'VE GOT AN INFERIORITY COMPLEX... THNX TO ALL VID PRODUCERS WHOSE SONGS INSPIRED ME..LIKE THESE ONES :Overflow, Underrated, Blackout SA, Freestyle,Breath oF A Nation-Breakthrough and those too which i can't remember. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I REALLY LUVED U & UR WORK<Following ppl> Slayer,Godfather,Ghost<never talked to u, still luv ya>,DDX<thnx for support when i was new>,Anyone else who helped in anyway BUT, I ain't so sure will I ever _ _ _ _ _ _
  25. first purchase the safe house in Dillimore. Start the mission, head to the gas station and drive/walk into the mission marker. After the cut-scene, Cataline gets into the Tanker. Go ahead and get in the Tanker but DON"T attach the Tanker Trailer. NOW, go to the north end of the gas station. A Sabre will be there. Push it with the Tanker to your Dillimore garage. Once it's in the garage, get out of the Tanker and stand beside the Sabre in the garage, fail the mission by killing via shooting Catalina, walk out of the garage, u hav your special Sabre, in ur Dillimore garage. Tell me if that works..
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