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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. I want to get the title "Random Post King"
  2. 123 Posts to go until I beat TM
  3. Woooo! I got my 1000th post in this topic. YAY!
  4. 998 'cause I'll tell you what the count-up means when I get to 1000
  5. Yeah that would be good if you [sarcasm]couldn't[/sarcasm] could

  6. btw I didn't call you a slut.

  7. Virtual Reality games. Punish him before he dies. Like people in Prison.
  8. Damn I now have a Biology Test next week. But I may be off school because of Heavy Snow forcasted for the whole of Great Britain. The snow is meant to last for 5 days, Friday to Wednesday. I am so excited because heavy winds + snow = Blizzard.
  9. Liberty City is cool Thats the GTA III, GTALC & GTA IV Liberty City.
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