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That Awesome Car Mod


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Can anyone speak good Spanish or know if anyone can get me a translation for this peice of text? Or is there an English instruction version?

It is a San Andreas Mod to get all new pimped out cars - but I cant read the installation!

Any help would be appreciated!


Como es muy muy muy complicado testear cualkier mod para el GTA SA al

100% (este no es como el vice city que traia menos coxes e infinidad

de fases menos) voi a daros un consejo, y es que si veis que en

alguna fase se os queda colgado con el mod, pues que instaleis el

GTA SA en otro directorio sin instalarle el mod y hagais otro

acceso directo con otro nombre (ej GTA San Andreas Original), tras

esto, ejecutais el juego con el acceso del original, os pasais la fase

problematica y podeis seguir con el mod, entendeis?

Los errores dependiendo de un PC, o de otro, pues se dan de una forma

o de otra, y las soluciones que vienen bien para unos, a otros no les

funciona, por lo que haciendo esto se solucionaria el asunto

*** RECOMENDADO desinstalar (borrando todos los archivos antiguos

del GTA, incluso la carpeta de las partidas en mis documentos)

y volver a instalar antes de aplicar el mod. ***

*** Si no podeis guardar coches en el garage empezad otra partida,

guardad en la ranura 3 y no guardeis ningun coche hasta la quinta

o sexta fase, tras esto, comprobad que podeis meter coches en el

garage y ya podreis guardar en la ranura que querais. ***

and here is the actual installation (the most important bit):


1�-Buscar la carpeta DATA donde hallais instalado el GTA San

Andreas y copiar los archivos carcols.dat, vehicles.ide y

handling.cfg dentro de ella reemplazandolos por los anteriores

(recomendado haberlos borrado antes para evitar fallos).

2�-Realizar la misma operaci�n con el archivo spanish.gxt pero

copiandolo en la carpeta text.

3�-Hacer lo mismo que en los pasos 1 y 2 con el archivo gta3.img

pero esta vez copiandolo en la carpeta models.

4�-Una vez instalado el parche, teneis que aplicar el crack, para

ello id a la carpeta Crack y copiad el archivo \"gta_sa_Patch\" en

la carpeta de instalaci�n del juego, una vez all�, pulsais dos

veces sobre el, le dais a \"apply patch\" y acto seguido le dais

a \"patch sucessful!\" y listo, ya podreis jugar

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found a spanish english translater on google... this kinda stuff can always be googled so remember that

heres first part:


Since it is a very very very complicated testear cualkier mod for the GTA SA to

100 % (this is not like the vice city that was bringing less coxes and infinity

of phases less) voi, to giving you an advice, and the fact is that if you see that in

you have some phase left hung with the mod, since that you install

GTA SA in another directory without installing to him the mod and do other

direct access with another name (ej GTA Original San Andreas), after

this, you execute the game with the access of the original one, spend to yourselves the phase

problems and pod

The errors depending on a PC, or on other, since they happen of a form

or of other one, and the solutions that come well for some, to others not they

it works, by what doing this the matter would be solved

*** RECOMMENDED desinstalar (erasing all the ancient files

of the GTA, even the folder of the games in my documents)

and install again before applying the mod. ***

*** If you cannot keep cars in the garage empezad another game,

keep in the groove 3 and do not keep any car

second part:


1�-Buscar the folder DATES where you find the GTA installed San

Andreas and to copy the files carcols.dat, vehicles.ide and

handling.cfg inside her replacing them by the previous ones

(recommended to have erased them earlier to avoid mistakes).

2�-Realizar the same one operaci�n with the file spanish.gxt but

copying it in the folder text.

3�-Hacer the same that in the steps 1 and 2 with the file gta3.img

but this time copying it in the carpet

4�-Una time installed the patch, you have to apply the crack, for

it go to the folder Crack and copy the file \ " gta_sa_Patch \ " in

the folder of instalaci�n of the game, once all�, you touch two

times on, you give to him to \ " apply patch \ " and immediately afterwards you give to him

a\ " patch sucessful! \ " and I list, you will be able already to play

Edited by frontier
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