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Colbert Running for president?


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COLBERT NATION: Comedy Central's faux conservative TV show host Stephen Colbert announced on his show Tuesday night he will run for President in the South Carolina primary as a favorite son candidate. Although Colbert now resides in New Jersey, he is originally a South Carolina native. Colbert says he plans to compete in both the Dem and GOP primaries, although ballot access is apparently easier for the GOP primary. ABC News reports Colbert's attorneys have already started working on the ballot access issues. To appear on the Democratic ballot, Colbert must pay a $2,500 filing fee and have the State Democratic Party's Executive Committee certify Colbert is "actively campaigning" for the Democratic primary. To appear on the GOP ballot, Colbert must simply pay a $35,000 filing fee. Colbert is currently on a national tour promoting his new book. The SC GOP primary is January 19 and the SC DEM primary is January 26. State law allows him to file for both primaries. The filing deadline is the end of this month. If Colbert pursues this, he will be following in the amusing footsteps of the late satirist Pat Paulsen, who made several humorous runs for President between 1968 and 1996 -- qualifying for D and R primary ballots in several states along the years.
- http://politics1.com/

So only in SC at this point.

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