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Can someone help me edit this image?

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OK, so I asked my Eugene, my classmate, to do some parody photos and stuff, and we came up with this:



The problem is, 'Gene doesn't blend well with Eloise and the rest of the picture... Can you guys give me tips on how to make this more, uh, convincing?

Here's the PSD file, just in case: http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/9/14/143...ise_in_room.psd

P.S.: I wonder if it would turn into a meme... :lolbounce:

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Eugene's feet aren't on the ground, so I'd suggest taking another pic with his feet firmly on the ground. I'll try changing it.

EDIT: I added a another stool for Eugen to rest his feet on, used the Warp tool to make it look like he's actually putting his arm around Eloise.

I'm attaching the .psd as well. Eugene & Eloise.psd

Edited by GTA Don
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Eugene's feet aren't on the ground, so I'd suggest taking another pic with his feet firmly on the ground. I'll try changing it.

EDIT: I added a another stool for Eugene to rest his feet on, used the Warp tool to make it look like he's actually putting his arm around Eloise.

I'm attaching the .psd as well. Eugene & Eloise.psd

The PSD's rawther broken, homie... <_<

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