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Pre-ordering GTAIV


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Ok, I've decided as a very late birthday present (my birthday is on 9th April :P) I want to pre-order the special edition of GTAIV. But I live in Qatar in the middle east and its likely they wont get the game about 2 weeks or longer after its release and like most of you, I honestly can't wait that long.

So, what I originally thought was if I was to pre-order GTAIV off Amazon or E-bay and get it sent to my Qatar address but it turns out they don't send here (plus its extremely risky) and the only way I could get it would be to go out to the UK and buy it and come back which obviouslly, I'm not going to do.

What do you guys think I should do? I can't wait until summer time to get this game, its just too long, I've been waiting for around 1 year now!

The only game shop which will probay get it here is Virgin Megastores so I might ask them if I could pre-order it from them with their address and pay a little extra... But the weight of the Special Edition is pretty heavy so I don't know how much thats going to cost.

Please help, I really need this game when it comes out,


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