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Installshield 12 Driver?


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I'm still having problems with installing this friggen game. All I want is the multiplayer too!

When I install i have a "-1610 configuration data for this product is corrupt. Contact your support personnel." error. Which I googled and found a hopeful answer to here: http://discussions.virtualdr.com/showthread.php?t=195447

But the problem is, when I check the version of Call of Duty's install thing, it says which going by the guide would mean I download version 12 from here: http://consumerdocs.installshield.com/self...8&sliceId=1

But as you can see... There is not version 12... I tried with version 11 and it didn't work.

Any suggestions? At least from the amount of times I've tried, I nearly know my serial of by heart now! :P

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1. Is it a legit version?

2. Make sure windows has all available updates (including SP3)...if you have vista then, il just leave it at that :P

3. go to cmd, type chkdsk /f, then say yes to everything it asks. then restart your pc, wait for the check. then try install again

4. check the disc for any scratches

if you done all them, and still gives you shit, email InstallShield, or MS

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***This solution might work for any program or game what present the Error -1610: Configuration data is corrupt

*** This is an Installshield error, dont ask me the why...but This is the solution and i have tested a LOT of times.

*** This error is caused by conflicting entries in the registry.

*** You will need administrative privileges in windows 2000 or XP to make this work OK? (Dont use the guest account by example)

*** To get administrative privileges in your windows go to this link: http://consumer.installshield.com/kb.asp?id=Q108379

*** First uninstall the troublesome software (in my case Rome Total War)

A) Clean your registry with a ad-hoc program, i recommend Tune-Up utilities 2006 is shareware, and it make a great job, here is the link:

http://www.tune-up.com/ , use the option Clean up repair----Tune up registry cleaner, RESTART YOUR COMPUTER

B) Delete the folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Driver from the machine, Believe me THIS is SAFE (AT LEAST SEND HER TO THE RECYCLE BIN IF YOU DONT THRUST ME! LOL)

C) Right-click on the installation file that you are trying to install and select Properties.

The typical names for installation files are setup.exe, update.exe, installer.exe, etc.

Your installation file can be found on the CD where you are running the setup from.

In the Properties dialog, click on the Version tab.

D) Look at the File Version field to determine the version number of the IsScript engine you need:

D) Goto this link to download the ISScript engine you will need: http://consumer.installshield.com/kb.asp?id=Q108158

E) Install the engine you will need and restart your computer.

F) The best part....THE MAGIC!: Open a DOS BOX, goto the file or the CD unit that have the file to begin the installation and READ CAREFULLY the instrucctions. The SETUP FILE is an example, it might work with other names

Creating an installation log file

/verbose : Generate verbose InstallScript engine log file (InstallScript MSI projects only)

For an InstallScript MSI project installation program, you can create a verbose InstallScript-engine-installation log file using the /verbose argument followed by the path to the log file you want to create. A typical command is Setup.exe /verbose"C:\IS.log". The log file generated can help you troubleshoot errors in installing the InstallScript engine on a target system. The /verbose option requires a full path to the log file, and not a relative path.

G) Goto the log file created, and near the end of the file , in the section showing the error that caused to abort the installation search for smomething like this:

'HKLM\Software\Classes\Installer\Products\B6BB246AD1AC2414D84D13C8F3D38C43\SourceList' (This example is for Rome Total war, but works for other programs), LOOK the LOOONG alphanumerical chain, Copy and paste it in Notepad for example.

H) MAKE A REGISTRY BACKUP! and run Regedit.exe in the Windows folder and make a full search for the LOOONG chain you founded, and DELETE every instance you found, repeat this until it disapear from the whole registry.

By the way this is the internal code for the program that cause the error 1610.

I) Goto step A

J) Install The program and enjoy!

run windows update or whatever then just follow those steps.

not that hard

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