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Weird problem with my internet..


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So I hoped on my computer earlier and I could do nothing but sign on AIM and Yahoo (Which there was NO one on to help ><) I started scanning, hoping to come across something to fix it.. and I kept trying MSN, and finally it works out of no where, I hadn't done anything but start scanning. Ofcourse I tried firefox.. and well, as you can see I'm on. I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what happened for future reference?


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hahah that works sometimes. but sometimes it doesnt.

try powercycling your modem (unplug power cord, wait 5 secs, plug back in). that will get you a new IP (or get your IP again if your on static IP), so that usually fixes most problems for most people.

however it is weird that only yahoo and aim could sign in still, which shows you have internet but...not to port 80. maybe someone is messing with your settings :S i dunno.

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