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I Want To Make Mods My Self.

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What kind and type of mods? There are simple ones where you edit a text file and change the physics in the game. There is texture mods such as painting new skins on the peds or certain cars. The next level is changing the mesh (the structure) of objects and it requires a high degree of understanding CAD programs and how 3D models are held together inside the game. Then there is coding game missions. Which can be broken down into 2 sets CLEO mods, and MAIN.SCM mods. I am currently finishing up a large project and will have lots to share when I am done.

In the meantime, research the area you want to start. If you do a search on my user ID you will find I have many tutorials spread through out this forum and some on gtaforums as well. I am not trying to blow my own horn but my tutorials are pretty easy to follow. Once you get back with me on what area you are interested in going, I can get you started.

In the end, it will be up to your own ambition as to where it will lead.


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