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Member Titles

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Hello Site Peoples. This is more of a "just thinking out loud" site suggestion than anything. Anyway, I consider myself to be more of a mod maker than forum poster and was wondering if uploading approved mods could be used as a "member title" boost; or as a separate ranking altogether? Truth is it doesn't really hurt my feelings one way or another, but it did seem kind of strange to have over a dozen mods uploaded and still be titled a "nobody special". It would give site members a bit more credibility who are more active mod authors than topic posters. I suppose the idea would be too difficult to implement with factoring in the number of approved mods, mod ratings, number of downloads, etc; especially with automated servers and such. Hence the "wishful thinking" aspect of this topic. Still, 'twould be nice.

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That's a cool idea.

You may notice the new award boxes we have (I have ones saying staff, over 1000 posts etc). It would be easy for us to add one that shows "modder" if you have an approved mod uploaded.

I'll make sure this gets done! We might add another one for people upload more than 10 mods or something.

We don't tend to bother with user titles, since they only reflect post count unless we let you edit them yourself. It would be hard to make mod uploading count towards this. We might get rid of them altogether.

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Okay, well good deal if you can make it work.  Compared to the long-time members I guess that I would be a "noob" myself (still finding my way around), so I do not know much about new award boxes and such things; they do look spiffy though.  But something for modding could perhaps give the site, current modders, and possible beginners a sort of shot in the arm so to speak.  Thank you for your prompt response.

Edited by Masked Marauder
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Chris does pretty much everything himself, including the main site, downloads database, and any special scripts we use (like automatically giving awards).

The only thing that isn't made by him is the forum itself, which is made by IPS, but the integration with the site etc is Chris again.

As for the server and hosting, Chris and I do that together.

But he's a busy man, which is why we sometimes have to throw heavy objects at him to get something made. (:

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Well I am impressed and no mistake. The site itself seems very ship-shape (I noticed that "Garage" has been down all day... again) so cheers to Chris for that. I wish that he could dedicate more time to the site, or take on some help, but I know that topic has been spoken about elsewhere so I will end with that. The new award looks kick-ass though.

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Well look at that! Something to fill up some of that empty white space in my member info! LOL Thanks Gerard, for the pleasant surprise. Here's proof to all that the site feedback/suggestion thread does not go unnoticed. Big thumbs up to the GTA Place and staff! I was taking a break for a while, but now I feel obligated to cook up some more stuff. *L*

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I just noticed from poking around that all other awards given are in single digits, except for 2, and one of those is for former staff. Kind of surprised really because it does not seem like much activity for a site that has been around for so long with membership approaching 40K. Members must consist of a lot of short-timers and/or non-posters.

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah, it's me again. There seemed to be a slight buzz in recent weeks about awards and member status and such which is definitely a plus. While wandering around TGTAP a few days ago that loose leg under my chair popped off again causing me to fall out of it and hit my head, which resulted in some more thinking (and cursing) out loud. There was mention in a similar topic thread about directing people with GTA problems and questions to those who could be the most helpful, or something like that, which is certainly ideal.

Images speak louder than words and I do not particularly enjoy listening to my own head roar, so here are some examples of what I dreamed up:





If such things as these could be implemented, perhaps a minimum criteria of sorts regarding who qualifies for which ones could be defined so that there is no reason for pouting or complaining. I realize that you head cheeses (i.e. Chris) are still ironing out some things as it is, but I just thought that I would throw this out there like a hand grenade for the heck of it. If the idea can not be utilized then that is all that it was- an idea.

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