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Picking Up Chicks on Games

Spaz The Great

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I've noticed alot of losers go on Twisted Metal Head-On for the PSP and make rooms called "Need hot chick" or "I want a g/f". Well, tonight, I decided to screw with one of them. Ended up talking to him on AIM. He's 16. Who wants to read the conversation?

Shocktrooper11: hey

Spaz N Lightbulb: Hey.

Spaz N Lightbulb: Hey, I had it right the last time. I wonder why it didn't work.

Shocktrooper11: do not know

Spaz N Lightbulb: I turned off my PSP.

Spaz N Lightbulb: I hate typing on it.

Shocktrooper11: same with me

Shocktrooper11: are you cute

Spaz N Lightbulb: Yeah.

Spaz N Lightbulb: I can try and find a picture of me on my computer.

Shocktrooper11: cool

Shocktrooper11: i know my e-mail adress is stupid I have not changed sinch I was a kid

Spaz N Lightbulb: Ah, I've had too many usernames.

Shocktrooper11: really

Shocktrooper11: what is your name

Spaz N Lightbulb: Yeah, when I had AOL I went through ALOT of different names.

Spaz N Lightbulb: Sam, short for Samantha.

Shocktrooper11: that is a nice name

Spaz N Lightbulb: Yeah, I guess it is.

Spaz N Lightbulb: What's yours?

Shocktrooper11: Chris

Spaz N Lightbulb: I know a few Chris's.

Shocktrooper11: really where you live

Spaz N Lightbulb: Florida.

Shocktrooper11: oh wow

Spaz N Lightbulb: Where do you live?

Shocktrooper11: in Brighton,NY

Shocktrooper11: how many boyfriends have you had

Spaz N Lightbulb: Just a few.

Spaz N Lightbulb: Like, 2-3.

Shocktrooper11: I have had 3

Shocktrooper11: girlfriends

Spaz N Lightbulb: You've had three boyfriends?

Spaz N Lightbulb: Haha.... Yeah.

Shocktrooper11: h

Shocktrooper11: have you found a picture ofyourself

Spaz N Lightbulb: Yeah.

Spaz N Lightbulb wants to directly connect.

Shocktrooper11 is now directly connected.

Spaz N Lightbulb: ((picture removed))

Spaz N Lightbulb: ((picture removed))

Shocktrooper11: wow

Spaz N Lightbulb: You like?

Shocktrooper11: yes I do

Spaz N Lightbulb: Awesome.

Shocktrooper11: tou said you were 19 right

Spaz N Lightbulb: Yes.

Shocktrooper11: I am 16 I hope that does'nt change much

Spaz N Lightbulb: No.

Spaz N Lightbulb: I love younger guys.

Spaz N Lightbulb: They are so cute.

Shocktrooper11: I like older girls

Shocktrooper11: its perfect

Shocktrooper11: are you in college

Spaz N Lightbulb: Yeah.

Shocktrooper11: what do you want to do when you get out

Spaz N Lightbulb: Well, I'm learning web design and Photoshop.

Shocktrooper11: thats good

Spaz N Lightbulb: I'm going to make my own site in a few years.

Spaz N Lightbulb: A site aaallll aaabboutt meee.

Spaz N Lightbulb: If you catch my drift.

Shocktrooper11: yeah I do

Shocktrooper11: your very hot

Shocktrooper11: damn

Spaz N Lightbulb: Yeah... And now I'm wet.

Shocktrooper11: really

Spaz N Lightbulb: Yeah.

Shocktrooper11: that great

Spaz N Lightbulb: And guess what else?

Shocktrooper11: what

Spaz N Lightbulb: I'm also a compulsive liar. I'm actually a 16 year old male who thinks going on online games to pick up chicks is lame. But you, you're ok with me. The girl in the picture is actually a girl I meet at a convention. She's a 19((or 18 I can't remember)) year old lesbian I'm afraid.

Spaz N Lightbulb: It's saddening.

Spaz N Lightbulb: But yeah, I've just been screwing with you for a bit.

Spaz N Lightbulb: Hope you have a sense of humor.

Shocktrooper11 direct connection is closed.

I suggest some of you((mainly you, Chris82, as I think you said you had TM-HO)) do the same in your online gaming.

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