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An interesting blog entry


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Just thought that ill share this with you, its quite old but I find it rather amusing, its from my not realy used Blog

I didn't realy see the point of doing a blog if no-one sees it

The Adventures of The Iron Battle Horse and Bill The Pony

Well this afternoon was quite an improvement to how the day started.

Just after I had finished the previous entry my friend knocks on the door asking if I want to go and play basketball, so I replied with "Hell Yeah!" anyway I needed a bit of exercise so I locked up and got my bike (yes we ride there due to England's low amount of free sporting facilities) and we set off.

On the way my friend (who is yet to be named) announces that we need to take a detor because he can't play basketball in the shoes he is wearing and he wants to buy some trainers. So we set off towards where we think the local Windsors (yes probably the lowest of the low shoe shops) store is.

This was a really long way to ride so we picked up the pace, we rode for what seemed like an age, we were following this road which my friend thought the shop was on. We rode on regardless of the fact it looked like we were entering a rural area. We stopped when we came to a sign which revieled that we were entering the town next to us. Just down the rode we saw a sign for a petrol station so we stopped by there to purchase some supplies.

Deciding that this was obviously not the way we rode back towards where we came from, just down this rode we saw a "T" junction that we must have missed on our way down so we went down there hoping that the store was on a road paralell to ours.

My friend told me that he now knew where we were and it would be quicker to cut across a farmer's field, now because we were riding the Iron Battle Hourse and Bill the Pony (our bikes ), I decided OK lets cut through the field. Respecting the farmer's crops we rode round the edge, far in the distance we could see and old van "Hold on is that the farmer" "I guess" *Boom* "Burn rubber quick!!" giving no warning at all the farmer shot at us. With my heart pounding we raced on towards a gap in the hedge, I made it though but my friend was being chased by a tractor! After a fast ride he made it out. We were both ok apart from some scratches and wait for it, A GOD DAMN PUNCTURE! With Bill injured I had to walk.

After a while of walking and trying to keep up with my friend, we got onto a main road, yes we're finally there: Windsors, the city of dreams... We lock up our bikes round the back and enter the store. Going straight to the size 10 cheap trainers, my friend had a budget (very tight mum), it didn't take long to find some cheap and rather cool trainers for a tenner.

My friend was all ready to buy these, but then I pointed out some ultra-cool Nikes in the "More expensive section" they were made out of amazing material, had great style and were generally demon. So going over his mums budget of 15 pounds by 5, my friend bought these (if he didn't i would have)

With a quick pump up of my flat tyre we set of to the basketball court, after about ten seconds my tyre went down again so I had to walk quite a distance again. Choosing not to walk along the road we made another cut through a residential area and through an alley and down a path on a playing field. My friends sharp eyes spotted a large fence thing. We went to investigate it soon to find out that it was a multi-purpose sports fence thing, featuring a football net, a basketball hoop and cricket wickets.

Deciding not to walk all the way to our usual courts we played here, it turned out to be a much better hoop and court then our usual although i was beaten 21-18 in our one on one. After hours of playing my friend discovered he was late and it was time to get home (do you know how far it is to walk!!) After miles (yes really) we went our seperate ways to our homes. Yay finally some rest.

So that concluded our very long and eventful day, I am sitting here writing this with aching feet and an injured finger from basketball.

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