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mission variety


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At the beggining of San Andreas you get all these drive people around sort of mission: these i admit help you get to grips with the shhoting and driving controls BUT further in the game there should be more missions such as the COOL ones Torino gives you.. There should be much more missions like his ones. His missions are by far the best in the game and proberbly the best in any GTA Game

what do you think


Edited by amirmm
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these are the missions i would like to see:

- more action missions like car, boat, atv, plane, ect.

- there should be Stealth missions or sniper missions where you can be very tacticle and wear all black and like assasinate people and sneak around buildings with a silencer and stuff.

- there should be completly new kinds of missions where you get in the trailer of the back of an 18 wheeler truck. and then you have to fist fight with like 20 men or on a large plane or in a moveing cruise

- one of your bosses should be in a cruise or an island about a 10 minute plane ride out into the ocean. it would just be unique and cool knowing how far away you are from the mainland.

- there should be more missions where you have to just invade a building and kill tons of people

- missions where u get on a turret or mingun in a helicopter, boat or on a building

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I thought the missions like the torino mission where you have to fly the plane under the radar, the mission where you have to fly to saint marc's bistro, and the mission where you fly to the plane in mid air were too long, those missions were all done in one shot but they were just annoying. I hate following people and making sure your spook-o-meter stays down. Which reminds me of the train mission, where you follow the reporter into los santos.

I love the missions that involve a lot of people to waste. The drug deals are a lot of fun.

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