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[VC] Community Stunt Vid


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Post if you want to join in.

People in so far:


Wheelman101-I'll PM him for his stunts

Engel-recived stunts

888ball-Ill PM him for his stunts

Mr.Metal-recived his stunts.

Fugitive-said he used his stunts. Don't know if he is in still.


Recommended Tools to use:

VC ultimate main script- by dannye


Stuff to include in .rar or .zip archive:

Ina RAR or Zip Archive
Stunts:   #name#counter.rep
Player skin/clothes
Name spealt in arial so we know how to spell it in case
Font that you want for your name
Your country

Edited by Ghost
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  • 1 month later...

I don't really think it is fair with the frame limiter off, stroll around GTAStunting.com and there is a topic there explaining how people with better PC's can acomplish better heights with the frame limiter off than people with crap PC's who have it off as well.

I think it is fair with it on as then it is a universal thing.

BTW there is no deadline...yet as we have not picked an editor to send the stunts to..Yet...

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  Ghost said:
I don't really think it is fair with the frame limiter off, stroll around GTAStunting.com and there is a topic there explaining how people with better PC's can acomplish better heights with the frame limiter off than people with crap PC's who have it off as well.

I think it is fair with it on as then it is a universal thing.

BTW there is no deadline...yet as we have not picked an editor to send the stunts to..Yet...

Well honestly dude, I went to GTAS and i have a pretty crappy computer, i'm running a 64MB graphics card, so the game lags a lot when I have the frame limiter on. So like I said to them, buy me a new graphics card and then i'll turn it on.

Edited by Sixxx
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Does anyone want to edit this?

If not I will happily edit it. You can just send me the files then i'll start frapsing and editing after Blackout:SA

BTW Sixxx are you in? it's fine if you stunt with the frame limiter off as long as fraps says its running around 30 fps :thumbsup:

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