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Okay, I've been trying to get MTA to work for some time now, I would really appreciate some help.

So here it is. I have version 2 of San Andreas, and yes I am aware that I need to download the patch to downgrade to version 1 in order to play. When I do so, everthing seems just like it was before I downloaded the patch. How do I know it worked? Should I still need to insert the disk to play? And then when I download the MTA file to play online, everything seems to go smoothly. But when I start it up, it does not show any servers to connect to. If anyone could help me, would you please provide steps for how to set up MTA, as well as links to the newest downloads.

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I've tried everything to get this to work. This is what I usually do.

Re-Install GTA San Andreas

Install downgrader patch, and run

Install MTA, and run

Then when I run MTA, I go to the server list, but its blank, theres no servers. And when I click refresh, it says 'Couldnt connect to serverlist'. Any suggestions people? I would really like to play this online, and I'm getting pretty tired of trying to get this to work...

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No, my internet connection is solid. The only thing that I think may be causing the problem, is that in the link you provided, it said that the servers may not load if you have a firewall blocking it, but I turned them off and started up MTA, and still had the same problem.

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Well I appreciate the helpful thought...but I dont think i'm in a big hury to delete my firewall anytime soon. Maybe there is something in my firewall that is blocking MTA from connecting to the server list...but I wouldnt know what to look for.

Edited by JMan725
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Hmm...I tried loading MTA again and it did something different this time, it said something like "scaning for - - - " I cant remember the exact wording. But it still never showed any servers. SO...I guess I'll try Re-installing everything for the 10th time.

Could someone post a link to the latest download for MTA? I just want to make sure I'm downloading the right stuff here. Thanks.

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Well Re-installation didnt work...I think i've about given up hope of ever playing MTA :( :'(

If I could get someone with version 2 of the game who has MTA up and working, to give me a list of exactly what they did, step by step, to get MTA working, that may revive some hope in me.

And dont you guys want me to have hope? :rolleyes:

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Well itd probably be easier to try to fix whatever is wrong with this now, than find a version 1 copy of the game. Plus, I dont think it has anything to do with the fact I have v2, the downgrader seems to be working fine. My only problem is that when I load GTA online, whether its MTA or SA MP, no servers show up.

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  BoroVC said:
Ive got V2 and MTA and SA-MP work fine. What firewall are you using? Its not a good idea to disable your firewall, you just need to allow access for MTA.

I am currently running Norton Anti-virus, and the standard Windows Defender and Windows Firewall. Trust me, I would much rather alow access for MTA or SA MP rather than disable my firewall, but I dont know how to allow access for it. I know how to do it for windows firewall, but not Norton. I'm not even sure thats the problem, but my problem is that when I load SA MP or MTA, no servers show up. Since you have version 2 and have it working, do you think you could proved step by step instructions as well as links to the latest downloads, for how you got it working. I would very much appreciate any help. Thanks.

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  JMan725 said:
I am currently running Norton Anti-virus, and the standard Windows Defender and Windows Firewall. Trust me, I would much rather alow access for MTA or SA MP rather than disable my firewall, but I dont know how to allow access for it. I know how to do it for windows firewall, but not Norton. I'm not even sure thats the problem, but my problem is that when I load SA MP or MTA, no servers show up. Since you have version 2 and have it working, do you think you could proved step by step instructions as well as links to the latest downloads, for how you got it working. I would very much appreciate any help. Thanks.

Dunno really mate. I just installed them and allowed access to the firewall and it works fine. Cant really say that I took any special steps to make it work.

I dont use Windows firewall, I use ZA pro and its easy to give programs access. Since you disabled the firewall, changing settings shouldnt make a difference.

Have you tried changing your firewall? Maybe Windows firewall still blocks access when its disabled because it knows you dont have another firewall. Try ZoneAlarm, you can get it free and its just as good as Norton firewall and more user friendly IMO. Good luck.

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Well for some reason when I started up SA MP again, it showed 2 servers this time...but thats all. And theres either nobody on the server or just 1 or 2 people. I guess its progress...but its still just not showing any servers except those 2.

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