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Flying School Help


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Ah, well then you have V2, that means I can't help you. You could downgrade to V1. Go look for a pinned topic at the San Andreas moding section.

If you have a gamepad/controller you would preferably want to use that, it make it way easier.

If you use cheats, you can slow the time down, it might help.

If you still can't, ask this guy.

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Make sure that your landing gears go up just after takeoff and don't put them back down until you are preparing to land. It took my a while to realise that and so it took ages to finish it also.

Remember not to oversteer. Just use slow gentle movements and you won't lose control. All the other flight school missions are easy enough.

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Thanks for the help guys, i've managed to get through all of flight school now

Now for the tough part. Getting gold in all of the flight school missions. If you can do it then the reward is the hunter helicopter spawning at the airbase. Although quite difficult it is definitely worth it, not only to get 100% completion but I think its the best vehicle to use when doing vigilante missions.

So long as you don't kill too many cops or anything then you are virtually untouched by the police (also don't fly over the area 69 "No fly zone") and you can easy kill the suspects. The minigun and rockets are fun to use and you could stay there all day just accumulating money from it.

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He can do that later.. Ow, have you done N.O.E yet? If you are trying but failing, try to go over sea, takes a long time but it make it easier. And if you still don't succeed, use somekind of trainer with indistructible vehible function and/or god mode.

IS NOE teh mission where you have to keep low all you have todo on that is let go of X and tehn keep tapping it rapidly when you are falling.

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I didn't really understand the last half of your sentence but it's the mission with staying low for those radar reasons, and you'l have that weird green thing under the plane and you have to fly to Angel Pine or something to deliver that package. If you go to high, Hydra's will attack you. When you at the country side with those trees it's quite annoying, that's why the sea is easier. But it takes longer.

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