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_Ray last won the day on February 22 2013

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About _Ray

  • Birthday 12/29/1995

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  • Favourite GTA
    GTA IV
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    United States

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    The GTA Place
  • Interests
    computers/web design
    gran turismo

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  1. _Ray

    Windows 8

    I don't understand why they even made Windows 8 in the first place! Windows 7 was a great product and they could easily still be selling licenses for it, making money like they did for years with XP! I've been using Windows 8 in a VM too, and it literally feels just like iOS. When I get on my Windows 7 computer, I'm at the center of power, able to do pretty much anything. Then I hop on Windows 8 and it's like I'm using my phone again, not able to do anything quickly or efficiently.
  2. But what incentive would the cats have to try to take down the T Rex? In reality it seems far more likely they would all scamper away. Plus like the others said above with that massive number of kittens they would never all be able to attack the dinosaur at once, there's just too much volume of cat to fit on or around the dinosaur at once. It would be like that movie 300 where the Spartans were way outnumbered but still won initially because they could only be attacked by so much force at once.
  3. _Ray

    New Server

    Hahaa GeoTool now tells me your site is located in the Netherlands... I came here before I even saw this topic and I was like, 'wtf...?' It is noticably faster though
  4. I could send you links to American sites but then that wouldn't do much for you since you're in Romania..... When picking the manufacturer just check to make sure it has a decent heatsink and that it's gonna fit in your case. Most websites list the dimensions of cards.
  5. The GTS 250 would do just fine running GTA4 maybe on high settings... but it probably won't run on 450W.
  6. Is that Romanian money? Where I shop, a brand new GT 240 can be found for $35 and a GTS 250 is around $80....
  7. Why do you say that? The 3xx series isn't even in the same category as all the 200's.. they only made low-end cards for 300, it was like a sub-generation, same as the 100-series. The 200-series are actually quite good cards. Except for DX11, buying 200-cards now can get you performance on the level of the new cards but at a lower price.
  8. Your motherboard doesn't need to support GDDR5. GDDR5 is the form of memory that the video card uses; it has nothing to do with your motherboard. The main things that determine whether or not your video card will work are: 1) Slot type (is it, PCI, PCI-E, AGP, etc.) 2) Power requirements 3) Dimensions 4) Driver compatibility I'd say you're all set on all of those except number two. All new video cards are PCI-E and I can guarantee that so is your motherboard.
  9. This clan doesn't exist anymore . Notice our last posts were almost 2 years ago....
  10. Rather than guessing you could just take a ruler and measure the length of your case from the backplate to the drive bay to determine how long a card would fit.... quickly looking online the longest GTX 560 I could find was 9.4" the shortest was 8.2"; it all depends on the manufacturer. When I did this with my GTX275 my estimate was accurate to within a quarter of an inch and my card was 3/4 inch away from the end of my case. As for the PSU, 450W likely (almost certainly) won't cut it especially if it was cheap to begin with. The GTX 560 isn't a huge power hog but you still should have at least 550-600W minimum for a card like that.
  11. Sorry I didn't get back here, but yes, that's what I did. http://www.codingforums.com/showthread.php?p=1051509
  12. Hey, If anybody is knowledgeable, I really could use some help here. I'm trying to write a script that makes it so that when using a screen width of 1280 or lower, Google shows one ad at the top of the page. With screen widths over 1280, it shows 2 ads along the side of the screen. I've checked it several times and I don't know what I've done wrong (but I'm also a beginner). The script works flawlessly in all versions of Firefox for both high and low res (I checked with FF 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, and 3.6) but in IE6 and IE8 while displaying almost correctly at the high resolution, it gets completely screwed up at the low resolution. Basically I'm just using Javascript to insert HTML comment tags around the ads that I don't want to appear for that resolution. <!-- Test run of Google AdSense --> <!-- One ad floats left, one floats right, the rest of the body is center aligned in between (high res only) --> <!-- There are 3 ads, scripting makes it so that 2 appear on the sides with a screen width above 1280 pixels, and below 1280 pixels just one appears across the top --> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var skip1 = "<!--"; if ( screen.width <= 1280 ) { document.write (skip1); } //--> </script> <div style=" float:left; font-size:7pt; color:#777; "> Advertisement<br /> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-9736870014804453"; /* 160x600, created 2/2/11, left side homepage */ google_ad_slot = "6021069285"; google_ad_width = 160; google_ad_height = 600; //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script> </div> <div style=" float:right; font-size:7pt; color:#777; "> Advertisement<br /> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-9736870014804453"; /* 160x600, created 2/2/11, homepage */ google_ad_slot = "3502793671"; google_ad_width = 160; google_ad_height = 600; //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var skip2 = "-->"; if ( screen.width <= 1280 ) { document.write (skip2); } //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var skip3 = "<!--"; if ( screen.width > 1280 ) { document.write (skip3); } //--> </script> <div style="font-size:7pt; color:#777;"> <center> Advertisement<br /><br /> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-9736870014804453"; /* low res top ad */ google_ad_slot = "4610054252"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script> </center> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var skip4 = "-->"; if ( screen.width > 1280 ) { document.write (skip4); } //--> </script> <!-- End of Adsense side banners --> Apparently it doesn't work in Opera, Chrome, or Safari either and the code doesn't validate as XHTML so there is definitely something wrong.
  13. Thanks for the insight Gerard! I will definitely do some research on Squid and Reverse Proxies . . . Like I said though my knowledge is very limited so until I learn PHP and SQL I'm gonna just have to stick with HFS and basic XHTML and CSS. Before I do anything serious though, yeah I'll definitely have to get a real web server. Thanks for the info!
  14. No, just go to add/remove programs and install IIS, which also sucks because you'd have to install PHP, mySQL and PHPmyAdmin if needed manually. Any server can do the job, like mediafire, I bet Mediafire uses Apache or lighttpd, some sites even use IIS but that's another story. What you need is a decent working website script so it uploads files to a certain folder, you'll always have access to them by FTP or locally but you'd have to script a website first, so it could upload. The only thing you must change manually is the max upload size on php.ini to what you wish, nothing more? I guess I will just use HFS until I sufficiently learn PHP and more javascript then somehow port over to XAMPP If I ever choose to really use a subdomain I guess I'll just buy hosting and direct it to there because this doesn't matter enough to me to take a bunch of time to figure it out lol
  15. I'm just trying to build my own little mediafire for use by myself and some of my friends. HFS allows uploads and updates the pages based on whatever people put on there, Apache would force me to do EVERYTHING manually, which just wouldn't work. It would be like I upload a file to mediafire and one of their people has to go in and change my page to show the file I just uploaded rather than their software updating the page automatically. Are there any programs I could you on top of HFS as a DNS server like Stunnel goes over top of Apache or HFS? A microsoft DNS server if I'm not mistaken requires Windows Server 2003 which I obviously can't afford plus I have no clue how to work it.
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