GTA2 Gangs


"Russian and Japanese immigrants, hillbilly scumbags and religious extremists, lunatics and genetically modified automatons, all want to control the city, all dominate areas of the landscape and parts of the cities sundry illicit activities, each with their own agendas and ambitions, each with their own enemies and feuds, each with their own psychotic leaders desperate to grab anything they can get their hands on.

A futuristic urban nightmare. The international city that we are all terrified is only a few years away, is yours for the taking. Modeled on the apocalyptic visions of the future from the 1970s and 1980s, the city for GTA 2 is a fully dysfunctional urban hell. Like all cities, it has a fully international flavor and each different group in the city wants to control something."

The Krishna

No information

Ziabatsu Corp.

"Zaibatsu Corporation, The world's Last Major Privately Owned Corporation, Has a World Wide Reputation For Manufacturing The Greatest Pharmaceuticals, but due to our Lobyists who got major changes passed in the laws reguarding leisure narcotics. So next time your down in the domps and a little pill puts a great big smile back on your face, or a little sniff makes you chuckle your heart out, say THANK YOU ZAIBATSU!"

"From Cars to Hemerrhoids and back again! Zaibatsu Corporatipn Make Life Feel Like its Worth Living! These Are Dangerous Times- Let's Make Everyone Laugh Again!"

The Yakuza

No information

The Loonies

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The Scientists

No information

The Rednecks

Whupp ass,   Pick ups,   Guns
Relitives,   Strangers
Barn Dancin
Fightin,   Shootin,   Fishin
Greasin Pigs,   Lynchings
Plaid,   Jean Jackets,   Caps

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