GTA Advance Features

GTA Advance is the first game to appear on a handheld console since the adaptions of GTA1 and GTA2 made for the Game Boy Color.

  • GTA Advance is set in Liberty City, 2000, one year prior to Grand Theft Auto 3. The original three islands (Portland, Staunton Island and Shoreside Vale) are still there.
  • The protagonist is called Mike, who is working for the Mafia.
  • The game is played with the top-down perspective first seen in GTA1 and used up until GTA2 (the camera view was also available in GTA3 as well).
  • The game was developed by Digital Eclipse and published by Rockstar Games.
  • The game is fully explorable and features an open ended mission structure.
  • Mini games or side missions including vigilante, firetruck, ambulance and taxi services are all in the game.
  • Hidden packages and rampages also make a return.
  • Characters including Asuka, 8-Ball and King Courtney from GTA3 all make a reappearance.

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