> Downloads » GTA Vice City » Skins & Player Models » I Want CANDY! VCM
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Author: Masked Marauder Views: 52,598
Added: 4th Jan 2011 Downloads: 13,982
Last Update: 4th Jan 2011 Last Downloaded: 14:39 on 9th Mar 2025
Version: 2.0 Rating: 3.4/5 (35 Votes)3.4/5 (35 Votes)3.4/5 (35 Votes)3.4/5 (35 Votes)3.4/5 (35 Votes) (35 Votes)
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UPDATE: January 27, 2011

Okay folks. Two new screen shots have been uploaded of a reworked cut scene Candy Suxxx model. I have wanted to make her better ever since version 2.0 of this mod, but I ended up scrapping about half a dozen different attempts in between working on other things. I have finally dumped everything that I have learned into possibly the best Candy model that I can produce. When imported into a model editor, the default model just doesn't look that great; her shape is just goofy in places. Check the comparison screen shot and you should be able to see what I mean. The two near the top are the default. Her belly-button is only about 3 or 4 inches from her... star globes because her pelvis was pulled up kind of high by the game developers. Plus I never liked that forked "butt part" in her hair... looks like a couple of broken buffalo horns or something. Never cared for that diaper looking thong of hers either. Anyway, I changed what I thought should be changed and I think that she is now hotter than ever. I mean, cripes! you could set a beer mug on her butt now while she walks along and it wouldn't fall off!

Anyway, I don't want to bother uploading the new Candy if everyone would rather stick with the default one; some people are just that way, including myself... sometimes. I don't really want four similar mods for the same character so let me know what you think. If you want her, I will upload her. If not, I will just have to keep her... all to myself.
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This mod changes the default (street clothes) in-game AND cut-scene player models from Tommy to the highly detailed cut scene model of Candy Suxxx. The cut scene model is much smoother and more detailed than the in-game model used for the "Play as Candy Suxxx" cheat and it also uses the the cut scene texture.

Included are 3 female animations: walk, run (not sprint), and idle stand. I haven't messed with the animations much as of yet so if I find more to add I will put them in a future version. Be advised that if you use a clothing pick up that switches back to a male player model the animations will remain the same! Which means that your character will be a bit more "feminine" in the way that he moves. However, you can always revert back to Candy by using a "Street" clothing pick up. Users who store a copy of the default animation file (ped.ifp) can switch back and forth between male and female animations between games if necessary.

If you've read it once you've read it a thousand times: MAKE BACK UPS OF YOUR GAME FILES THAT WILL BE CHANGED!

The VCM Manager will put these player models and textures in your IMG archive:


Put "player.bmp" in the (default location) folder "*:Program FilesRockstar GamesGrand Theft Auto Vice Cityskins".
Put "ped.ifp" in the (default location) folder "*:Program FilesRockstar GamesGrand Theft Auto Vice Cityanim".

[email protected]

Eat Some Candy

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