Day 4: Leaving New York

Today was the day we all returned to our home states or countries. We were called up to the rooftop at around noon, we did wonder if there was going to be a little surprise for us, but it was then that Rockstar informed us all about the game leaking out. They requested us to co-operate and aid them in their efforts in containing it. With only 5 days to go until release, it's crazy that people are this impatient to get their hands on the game.

Soon it was time for some of us to leave. We said goodbye to Casey and Gerald, and then illspirit and Andy. Some us were taken back to Economy Candy by Alison again so we could by some things for our families/friends back home. Jordan was next to leave and then Kodo. Then it was just four of us, the UK guys. Psy had to catch his plane to Amsterdam (and then to Newcastle), so Alison took him back to get picked up while myself, Adam and Jevon walked around New York for about an hour. We made our way back to the hotel to collect our bags and get picked up, after saying goodbye to Alison. Checking in at the airport was a little confusing but we managed it, and the flight back home was fine in the end.

The whole trip was amazing, not just because I got to play GTA4, but having the chance to meet various Rockstar employees and the webmasters of the biggest GTA sites on the net. It was great that we all shared this one common interest, we could all talk about what we thought of GTA4 so far, and just GTA in general.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to say a HUGE thank you to the whole team at Rockstar Games! You guys are amazing. Seriously, the awesome hospitality and hands-on experience with your greatest game... and Alison taking us UK webmasters to some of the most famous landmarks in New York. It's probably the greatest trip of my life and I'd definitely love to visit New York again, there's so much more to see. It would also be great to see all the webmasters again some time.

Once again, thanks for everything R*

Chris Phillips,
The GTA Place,
April 25th, 2008

The other webmasters have also posted about their experience, check out their articles:

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