
Late on February 2nd, 2009, the webmasters of the premier GTA fansites got an email from Mike at Rockstar Games (their webmaster), and I have to say I was pretty surprised when I read that it was an invite to New York City (again!), this time to experience the first downloadable episode of content for GTA IV, The Lost and Damned.

For those of you that know of last year's fansite event that was held in April for GTA IV's release, the same webmasters (who were still at their respective sites) were invited, unfortunately Jordan from PlanetGTA couldn't make it this time, but the rest of us were able to. It was pretty short notice considering we would be leaving literally just one week after receiving that email... but then who would turn down an all expenses paid trip to NYC?

After co-ordinating travel plans with Iffy at Rockstar, those of us from the UK were all set to fly out on the Monday (9th February).

In addition to myself (Chris) from The GTA Place, the following webmasters were at the event:

Photos I took while in New York can be seen on my Flickr photostream.

Next: Day 1: Seeing NYC >>

Some of our affiliates (view all):

RockstarBase Rockstar Network iGTA5 GTAPSP