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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/11 in all areas

  1. For those of you who aren't aware, The GTA Place gets huge amounts of international traffic. While traffic from English speaking countries is remaining fairly consistent, traffic from numerous non-English ones is rising. Massively. What we're finding is a large amount of these users only come here for the downloads, then they leave. In an effort to encourage some of these users to hang around a bit longer, I've decided to translate parts of the main website (into as many languages as you guys want). Of course this is not something I can do myself. "Why not use Google Translate?" You might ask. Well it's nowhere near perfect, not for paragraphs of text where context is not understood. So, I need your help for this. In the second post is a list of the top 30 or so languages we see our visitors using, if you speak ANY of these, please let me know. The second post also contains the text we need translated, so if you like, just post the translations here and I'll get them up as soon as possible. To anyone who will be providing translations: PLEASE ensure you've used correct spelling and grammar, and, if necessary, the proper alphabet (accents on letters, Cyrillic characters etc.) Thanks to anyone who provides translation help, we'll give you some sort of translator honour for this
    1 point
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