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  1. I would like to take a crack at it. I may be wrong, but here's my guess: Yeah, I know this wasn't funny. I don't care.
    7 points
  2. Sure, I would fucking love to have a staff member whose username is anus that would be so epic. To become an administrator, simply send an email to me with the following details: First Name Middle Name (if you have one) Last Name Mother's maiden name Your NIN/SSN Credit card number and CC2 Name of your first school Name of your best childhood friend Favourite teacher Favourite colour Pets names Date of Birth The full address of your current house You don't have to give all of them, but the more you give the better your chance of becoming admin. We need all of these details to employ you.
    6 points
  3. Wow that sucks. I'm glad I don't act like a dickhead on the forums, I'd be well upset if I had all those privileges taken away!
    6 points
  4. 5 points
  5. MY NAME IS CHRIS AND I HAVE A HABIT OF BANNING PEOPLE FROM INDIA AND PAKISTAN WHO COME HERE AND TYPE EVERYTHING IN CAPS BECAUSE THEY ARE ALWAYS REALLY FUCKING ANGRY AT STUFF AND NEED TO SHOUT LOUDLY TO GET THE ATTENTION THEY SO CRAVE. I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO KICK THIS BAD HABIT BUT PEOPLE LIKE YOU KEEP COMING BACK. IT'S LIKE AN ADDICTION NOW. YOU FUCKERS Seriously though you guys coming here from these countries need to grow the fuck up and stop acting like dicks. You're giving your people some really bad rep. We have a few decent Indian and Pakistani members here, please follow their example.
    5 points
  6. You win 10 internets and + 3 inches to your e - penis. That's clearly what you're after, so you're welcome to them.
    5 points
  7. I don't think Raybob has a clue what's going on. L-Ric is right - nobody has a "right" to be on this forum. It is provided by Chris for free, and subject to you following the rules. If Chris (or his staff) don't want to let you use the forum or all of its features, then we can do that. You have completely ignored the rules and staff, so you have ignored the terms of your free use of this site. We've even tried to be nice by not banning you (which we could easily and legitimately do), giving you a second chance, and another chance. Yet you STILL complain that you don't have as many features as possible, and you want to Staff to go around cleaning up for you. So you want MORE from us for free whilst you continue to abuse the forum and ignore its staff? That's totally fair. You've run out of chances. You have a grand total of zero remaining. Have a week's suspension. Now either STFU or GTFO.
    5 points
  8. This thread holds all the rules of the forum. While we try to present ourselves as being a fairly laid back community, there are of course some explicit rules which are here to keep everything friendly and the forums running as smoothly as possible. No Spamming - Pretty obvious, but don't make spam posts outside of the Fun & Games forum. This includes posts of just a few words, or not relating to the topic in any way, posts containing just smilies, or just random nonsense. No Flaming - This includes insulting, racist, sexist or homophobic remarks, and outside of the Warzone forum this is not acceptable. No pornography - We like to keep the forums relatively family friendly. Members found posting links to or any pornographic media will be dealt with accordingly No warez - Discussion about illegally obtaining copyrighted material is strictly forbidden No Multiple Accounts - Unless you have a legit reason for creating another account, you should not be using more than one to post here. Members found using multiple accounts will be disposed of. No Advertising - Do not make topics/posts to advertise your website, or worse, advertise by PM'ing other members. Links in your sig are fine. No impersonation - Impersonating people such as R* employees, or trying to disguise yourself as another member is not allowed. No staff backchatting or ordering - Don't order staff around with orders like "close this topic" or "delete this post please" - The staff already know how to deal with this and will take care of it. Also, if a moderator/admin tells you to, remove your oversized signature, for example, then you must do so, don't argue with them. Staff have authority. You don't. Guidelines Keep on topic - Try to keep on topic at all times, when you go off topic (OT) it makes other people go OT too and then we get a topic full of posts unrelated to the OP's (original poster). Signature And Avatar Rules An avatar is a little picture you can have beneath your user name when you post a message. A signature is a message or picture that will be automatically added onto the end of each post you make Max Signature Size: Width - 500 pixels Height - 200 pixels Size: 100kb Max Avatar Size: Width - 100 pixels Height - 100 pixels Size - 30kb If your signature is larger than the specified you will be notified by a mod and be given 24 hours to change it. If it is still unchaged after 24 hours it will be removed and a message left in place of it. Breaking any of the rules set out here will result in administrative or moderative action being taken on your and/or your posts. Generally your topic will be locked or deleted, and you will be warned for repeated offences. Depending on the severity of offence and habitualness of them, you may receive a suspension or a permanent ban. We reserve the right to remove you from the forums without giving any prior warning. You should of course follow basic 'netiquette' when posting on these forums. i.e. you shouldn't be posting in AIM/MSN speak or whatever. Just type natural English with good spelling and grammar, and remember we are an international forum, so not everyone speaks English as their first language and may have trouble understanding you. If you're new to forums in general, it's probably best you lurk for a while, just to get a feel for how things are done, before you start posting yourself. Using the search feature should be your first action when you're looking for a quick answer to a question you have, or browsing the first few pages of the related subforum. Do this before starting a new topic, as this will make sure we don't get forums full of duplicated topics. A Note About Bumping Topics If you've found a topic in which the posts were all made a long time ago, you should ask yourself this question before replying. Is this topic useful and/or will other members appreciate me bringing this topic back up to the first page? Now if the answer to this is yes, then you're fine so long as your reply is on topic and somewhat meaningful and/or insightful. There's no point bumping a topic and just saying "thanks for the info". If the answer is no, then there porbably isn't much point replying. Bumping old topics which aren't on the first 2 pages of a forum without a worth reply will usually result in the locking of the topic, and/or your post being deleted. You'll be warned for repeat offences. As long as you use a bit of common sense when using these forums you should get on just fine. We want the forum to be clean and fun, so abiding by these rules will help in the continual running of this place. So enjoy the forums and enjoy the community! A more in depth guide for newbie members can be found here in the near future, which explains in more detail about terminology and other important things.
    5 points
  9. Everyone who was active in the old days was roughly the same age. To be honest, I reckon everyone just sorta grew up a bit and had to deal with life. Chris and Gerard got jobs, Spaz achieved spiritual enlightenment and ascended to a higher state of being, Sky got married () Urbanoutlaw probably got on his Harley and went on an actual rampage (nothing personal if you ever get round to reading this dude, just.. dat beard.) The likes of Noru, Jace, Red Devil, TNF, JayD, whoever Scott is (only know him via facebook now) edit: oh lol you posted above, sup dude? went to uni. Even the crazy people who turned up to troll occasionally dropped off the face of the earth. (Old staff / elites? who was the guy obsessed with Nascar? And the guy who was gonna like give up TV and shit? I lol'd) Dom's working on other projects and is kinda around. Ivan, Ciaran, Pilk, GTADON, Spidervice and WRX22B... Yellowjacket, OGTAM idk what happened with them. I know at least one of them's alive. We had a freakin' sweet community at one point. There were sour spots, back when the flame pit (idk what it was called) existed. But it was mainly everyone vs spaz and he never threw his toys out the pram about it . Harwood got banned which was probably pretty harmful to activity since he had some strong friendships but I honestly can't remember why that happened so I can't say for sure. Feels good to reminisce, and as much as I'd love this community to elevate back to where it was, and think it still could, the general standard of internet personality / behaviour is far lower than it was in the day.
    4 points
  10. Making the rounds in the news today and this past week have been stories regarding the supposed release date of GTA V, following the leak of a Rockstar North employee's CV. Understandably this spread like wildfire after the CV revealed GTA V's release date to be October 2012. Why is this a problem? Well, the CV isn't real. We've heard from an actual Rockstar source that it's a falsified document. And upon further investigation this appears to check out. The "leak" appears to originate from a so-called "fansite", which consists mostly of completely made up information on GTA V. The site in question is GTA-V5.com, owned and operated by one Dan Neil. Before moving to this domain, Neil had previously written at least two articles on his blogspot site consisting of fake information and claimed it was leaked from Take-Two [1] and [2]. We should point out that Neil's blogs are plastered with advertising, including promises of a free copy of GTA V, alongside other questionable affiliate based adverts from a UK company called JeebiesFreebie.com, which we would advise you all to stay away from; we don't think you'll be getting any free games. Update: Another site, GTA5videos.com, may also be responsible for some of the rumours being created. Creating a CV containing non-public information and using a real employee's name and details is a downright stupid idea. This could easily land the employee in hot water with Rockstar, who at the time of the leak, may not be aware it's not actually real. Unfortunately given the nature of this information, a number of major gaming news outlets picked it up causing it to spread even more. Rather amusingly, Neil also reported on his blog that Rockstar Games took down GTANet, the largest GTA fansite, following the leak being posted on GTAForums. It is laughable that anyone would believe this - Rockstar would never take down legitimate GTA fansites, especially not those they officially recognise and invite to events. The real reason the network was down was simply due to some issues that occurred from a server migration, nothing more, and at the time of posting this, appears to be back online. The likes of OXM and MCV and indeed a number of other reputable networks don't seem to care much for journalistic integrity these days, and it seems that sadly they'll post anything any random newly created blog gives them. So folks, if you do see some rumours being posted that are reported to have been "leaked" from a Rockstar/T2 employee, please apply some critical thinking and look at who originated the leak. Hint: If it's from some ad-filled blog, it's not going to be real. And one final note, Take-Two are at E3 mainly for the new Borderlands game, not GTA V.
    4 points
  11. I'm guessing you are a BNP supporter? Well I take it very offensively when people go on a hate campaign against all immigrants. I am an immigrant and so is my Dad. He works, pays taxes and contributes to the country he lives in, why should he has less rights then someone who doesn't want to work all because they are English. I am at university to better myself and make myself a valued member of society. Yes illegal immigration is bad, but that doesn't automatically equal terrorist. My view is that anyone who wants to come here and work is welcome.
    4 points
  12. I'd quite like to step in here and get a few things said: @TUNA - If you have a problem with a certain member of the forum spamming, then kindly inform me of your concerns instead of following that same member around the forums with your nose up his ass jumping on everything he posts with tiring, cookie cutter remarks. @MrGTA - If you believe another member is making your time spent on these forums less enjoyable, contact me outlining your concerns and we will do our utmost to take action upon those concerns. In the meantime, try not to retaliate or stoop to their level. Also: the post merge is just a moderator tool so that we can merge duplicate threads to help minimise clutter and confusion. I know we're not especially active these days, but that doesn't mean we're any less vigilant. Just leave it the fuck out - simple as that.
    4 points
  13. I just quickly read all the posts in this topic unaware of it before, and jesus christ. You people in the restricted group are all pissy for being in it? Then why are you posting here in this topic? That's the last thing I would be doing. Are you so blatantly blind that instead of just accepting it and trying to be a better poster, you just rant about it here? If so, good luck not getting banned.
    4 points
  14. Personally I think il could be Paris, let me explain why. The shape looks a lot like the north-western part of France : Now look at this : This movie, New York I love you, is a sequel to the movie Paris Je t'aime : Look at the rewards, Toronto and Cannes 2006, it looks a lot like 'Official entrant LC Film Festival' :
    4 points
  15. This forum, believe it or not, used to be very active! I firstly joined here around 2004/2005 when I was a mere 13/14 years old and I'm still here even after a few banned accounts. I do distinctively remember this forum being active with a working gang system, and a kind of community feel. I also forgot about this forum perhaps with age, now being 22, after I joined here years and years ago. People just move on and have things to do...I have work and a girlfriend so I don't get much time to even just play GTA let alone come and post on here. I also have an account on GTAforums but I'm not a huge fan, I used to prefer it on here. Gone are the days of the orange/grey skin and GTA San andreas being the latest GTA to hit the market. This place provides good memories and many wasted hours. Chris and co have done a wonderful job maintaining the forum and website despite their being very little users.
    3 points
  16. Your CPU isn't exactly top notch ether, my advise: swap that before the GPU. A good GPU without a good CPU will get you eye candy graphics but shitty peformance.
    3 points
  17. If I had the opportunity to own McDonald's corporation I would not hesitate to shut the entire thing down. Internationally. I know that would cost millions of jobs, but the BILLIONS of dollars McDonald's has would immediately be donated to all the small-time really good burger joints across the country. Take that, fuckin' Clown!
    3 points
  18. It is all going to kick off in a big way when this is released...it looks amazing! I like the idea of 3 protag's, I LOVE how huge they say the map is going to be, think most of us are going to get lost, there wont be any knowing every street off by heart like in Vice and SA! Cannot wait!
    3 points
  19. 3 points
  20. The thing that I notice most about GTA is that everyone has their own style of playing it. Some people just play through the storyline, whilst others piss about in the countryside, others roleplay as a cop or gangster, others drive around shooting prostitutes, others go around collecting items, others race and stunt with vehicles, others make mods or videos, and many more I can't even imagine. GTA San Andreas gave many more opportunities for that than any other GTA game, or even any other game. You could be everything from a mafia boss to a taxi driver to a military scientist in Area 69. You could spend your day chilling on grove street, driving down the open road, robbing casinos or flying over the vast countryside. GTA IV, in contrast, was much more 2-dimensional. Outside of the storyline, there wasn't much else to do except drive around a city. There weren't many buildings to go in, no countryside to explore, no planes to fly, no destinations really. It looks like GTA V will change that - I just hope they go all-the-way and give us the best ever sandbox to play in.
    3 points
  21. The following is a list of facts, make of them what you will: Just because someone is middle eastern doesn't make them a terrorist. Some white British males are Muslims. Some white British males are terrorists. Some Asian Males living in Britain are neither Muslims nor Terrorists Just because someone is a terrorist doesn't make them Afghani. Just because someone has come to this country fro the middle east it doesn't make them an illegal Immigrant. Just because they choose to work, doesn't mean they are aiming to maliciously steal away our employment prospects. If someone wants to work in the UK, own a house or car in the UK, or pretty much take a shit in the UK, they're paying taxes. My least favourite tax is income tax. It fails to tax the most to the people who earn the most, it penalises those who work for their money, and does not affect those who use the income tax of other to live off. If you don't like the state of the country you live in, get a job, work and leave. It's what a lot of foreign people do, and it seems to be working out for them. The wars some people aren't paying for (that pesky income tax again) is more than enough karma for me. Working immigrants do orders of magnitude more for our economy than non-working native British. The next time taxes go up will have more to do with non-working Brits than working immigrants. Jobs exist in the UK. Easy living isn't working night-shifts in a shitty fucking corner-shop or a taxing rank. Easy living is going down to a doll office a few times a month for a cheque that's supposed to enable you to SURVIVE and search for a job, but instead spending it on luxury items that people in the middle east would travel halfway around the fucking world to provide for their families, in the face of racism and spite. There's more, but I'm off to play minecraft.
    3 points
  22. Pussy Actually, I'd say it's all the little "thugs" who are the pussies. There is nothing "tough" or "manly" about killing people over stupid shit like colors. That's childish as hell.
    3 points
  23. Almost everyone who posted in this topic is absolutely fucking retarded. I am literally ashamed you are all members of a forum I run. I might just ban all of you. Someone complained Vita doesn't run PS2 games - why the fuck would you want to be able to do that? Seriously why would this be relevant to anyone in 2011/2012? People are arguing about the English language in England and Americans etc. when the only American to post here was Spaz and he didn't even bring anything up to do with language. Someone said Rome was in Greece - You learn about the Greeks and the Romans in primary school. How could you think they were the same? Someone said Romans speak Romanian - Same as above really. Romans were people and yeah they spoke Latin, Roman is not a language. Someone asked why Americans call Chinese people "Asians" - It's largest country in Asia you moron. How are they anything other than Asian? Seriously did you not go to school at any point during your life? What continent do you think China is in? Spaz, almost, but my girlfriend happens to be Romanian, so I sort of care
    3 points
  24. In a mad attempt to grab money from dribbling morons, EA announce Need for Speed: Modern Warfare 2.
    3 points
  25. Yeah, right. I'm the one without a life here. That is why I've created a shitty GTA forum copying the entire fucking layout from GTAF, then creating accounts with usernames of people from GTAF, then creating topics and talking to myself.
    3 points
  26. Looks like an Apple a day didn't keep the doctor away
    3 points
  27. 1. Read the included readme. 2. Do what it tells you to do.
    3 points
  28. Yeaaah, 'scuse me? And "TUN3R" is a better name, I 'spose? Look at you, being so trendy with your 3 as an E, that was only popular like 10 years ago. Really, who the hell do you think you are? Yeah, that shit again. Because no one cares to hear you be a little asshole. So fucking stop it.
    3 points
  29. Haha, idk. But let me share some wisdom with the younger guys here. As a few of you may know, I had a great thing going on with a girl who I loved one hell of a lot. I'm a nice guy, but I live life a little on the edge. Yeah, I'm impulsive, love to go on spontaneous road trips, drink all night, take recreational drugs and I'm not afraid to say what I think or do something crazy on the drop of a hat. But I'd never have dragged her into anything she didn't want to do. I'd skip my go on the blunt pass if she'd asked me to go easy, drive extra safe if she was worried, call her in the morning, etc etc. Around the start of the year, well, I won't mess you around here, I turned into a bit of a jerk. I didn't care so much about when I saw her, relished the times we'd argue so I could have a break and rip it with my friends, and hey... makeup sex, right? It got to a stage where she was getting pissed at me about it. And I was pissed at her for being pissed about it. Why couldn't I do my thing? There was a period of time where we decided to cool off; I'd agreed to call her when I'd decided, essentially whether we'd carry on our relationship, the way it had been before I turned into a dick or go our separate ways .I spent the week having an epic chillout, completely and utterly nonchalant cos let's face it, she was always going to take me back - she needed me, we had a deep emotional bond ad a great thing going. We'd even worked at the same restaurant for around a year without any tension or feeling overcrowded, or anything... About a week later she told me she was done waiting and to come see her the next day. I did, still partially high following a 2 hour sleep and a cold shower. I started to shake. I felt more nervous than I'd ever been my entire life. I was sitting there, 20 years old and melting into an emotional fucking wreck like a 6 year old girl. She explained how she felt we'd come to a natural end and it would be good for both of us if we just called it a day, having grown apart over the past couple of months. I forced out some reluctant tones of agreement, stood up, hugged her, kissed her on the cheek and left. Around another week later, she texted me asking for her stuff back. She said she'd send her sister round so I told her I'd be out. She told me to leave it by the door so I said it was forecast rain. Then she told me she was on her way back from work and she'd pick it up. I had to see here just once more... I had to tell her what i felt, what was going on in my head and beg her to take me back. By the time I was out the shower, she'd left another message saying she got tired waiting and went home. So I went round there. I gave her back a shoebox with all the things of hers I had. Again, she talked about stuff being for the better (wise to my intentions no doubt) and got the same affirmative mumbles in return. I got in my car and left. Then I cut up a guy infront of me on the road. Then I slammed on my fucking brakes and turned that sucker around. I went the fuck back there and laid my entire soul on the fucking line and begged her to take me back. I said I'd only agreed before because I thought it was what she wanted, I told her I wanted to right my wrongs and make her as happy as I possibly could. No dice. She gave me all the stuff which she didn't want out the aforementioned shoebox and said a third and final goodbye, along with the promise that she still cared about me and we wouldn't be one of those resentful ex - couples. A few weeks passed with me going through highs and lows about my new found loneliness / freedom / eternal solitude / lone wolf status. I was coming to terms with it well when that white and blue technological motherfucker facebook reared it's ugly head, and kindly informed me she was dating a cocaine - using, lsd - taking, woman using....dickhead. We'd both worked with him at the restaurant where she's promised me to 'not talk like they do about girls they've been with because it's fucking disgusting' and where he'd talk to the other guys about how great her tits were and once locked her in the walk in fridge which resulted in her crying. So now I'm pretty much one angry sonofabitch, and have this to conclusively respond to the thread title with this: Don't ever, ever change who you are in the name of finding a girl. I found mine by being Mr. Nice guy and we enjoyed 4 years (I was 16 when we started dating) together. I had some of the best times of my life with her. Don't ever do something that isn't you, that you aren't comfortable doing to impress someone, or live up to the stereotype that has been stamped on your head. Don't let your buddies push you into acting like a douche in the name of some girl. if you want her, cut the crap and go ask her out. If she doesn't want you, she's not worth your time or fucking effort. She wants the jerk, guess what, chances are down the line you'll end up thinking she's a fuckin' jerk. It's not about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, that's how winning is done. Aaaand a few more things to round off the text - wall. Nice to see you back Kokane This is fucking adorable, congrats dude
    3 points
  30. yeah you're right, i was never gonna buy it
    3 points
  31. I wonder whether you actually know any gay people, or just believe what you see on TV. I've never been in a gay pride march or anything like that. I don't wear pink, I don't sing or dance, I'm not a hairdresser or a model, I don't have a camp voice, I don't do anything sterotypically gay. The only gay thing I do is have a boyfriend, and even then I don't flaunt him around everywhere or do inappropriate things in public. However, that doesn't mean I'm treated the same as a straight person. I should be able to kiss my boyfriend in public, just like a straight couple can, but I can't because at the very least I'd get funny looks and tuts, but I could realistically get beaten up or even killed for it. It happens. I should be able to marry my boyfriend, should we decide to do that, just like a straight couple can. But I can't. Nor can we adopt children, have the same rights, or have the same tax benefits that straight couples can. If I tell someone I'm gay, I quite often get told "please don't hit on me". That drives me INSANE! Do straight guys hit on every girl they see just because they like women? No. Just because I like guys (not girls) doesnt mean I like you. In fact, the chances are you're incredibly ugly to me and I can't wait to look somewhere else. And let's not forget the sterotypes of promiscuity, sexual deviancy and being disease ridden. Most gay people have LESS sex than straight people because they can't come out at school/college/work and they struggle to find someone else gay. In San Francisco I think sexually active gay people are fractionally more likely to have HIV/AIDS, but I don't, and I wish people wouldn't ask if I do. Although you seem to understand that it doesn't make a difference to our job, you seem to think we want to make everything pink and gay. That's not the case. Just in case you were wondering, I was in the military, and I am a police officer. I agree that there's no point in telling everyone you meet. I never told my colleagues at work, because it wasn't relevant. But I shouldn't have to lie about it. I shouldn't have to pretend to stare at breasts, and answer questions about which intern I'd like to bend over the photocopier. I should be able to tell people "well actually I like guys, not girl", just like "well actually I like blondes, not brunettes". If it is relevant, I should be able to tell people, and it shouldn't be a big deal. I shouldn't be forced to listen to people talking about fags and queers like we're all a bunch of rapists and pedophiles without being able to speak up. But thanks to people like you, I have to lie. Some people deal with this opression by going out on big parades. Some people flaunt their sexuality in their attire and demeanour. I just get on with it, and try to change peoples attitudes positively. So stop treating us as all the same, all one community, all fitting the stereotype, all working together to turn the world pink. Please don't assume that I'm going to rape your children or dance my way to the bar to buy a girly cocktail. We're not the same.
    3 points
  32. At the bottom right of each post (except your own) you'll see two icons, and You can click these if you feel the post is deserving of reputation. Reasons to vote up: Posts that are informative, helpful, for example if someone answered a question for you... or if you find a post witty/funny Reasons to vote down: Any post that breaks the rules really, or is just unhelpful, spam, flaming etc. lulzworthy = worthy of lulz. lulz = lolz. lolz = things that made you lol. So he was saying if a post is lulzworthy (makes you laugh) you could vote it up. Hope that helped. And by the way if it did help, then this would be an example of a post you might give reputation for... of course I'm the admin here so I don't care/need it... but you can if you want
    3 points
    3 points
  34. Looks like a dildo. I will use it accordingly.
    3 points
  35. I personally think Raybob should have been IP banned a long time ago and had his computer smashed over something very hard (y'know, like his head) to make sure, but that's just me. Look, he makes a general ass out of himself, insults the staff, abuses every chance he gets, and now he makes this asinine topic declaring he's leaving. But that's not it! After ONE person says he's not that bad a person, he then decides to stay! Not only that, he then adds the addendum that he'll stay if he's taken out of the Restricted group, as if we owe him something. This topic only shows how conceited Raybob is. He's nothing more than prepubescent attention whore who thinks he's entitled to do whatever he wants because he still believes the First Amendment will protect him, despite the fact that this is a privately owned website being operated by some sexy beasts in the UK.
    3 points
  36. So while robbing someone's house, you go use their computer real quick to check your Facebook.... ...interesting priorities.
    3 points
  37. lol steam such a whinger u dont get facebook cos u dont have it. besides its the best way to get pics of girls you like without even asking
    3 points
  38. Thanks Chris - it's good to be back in the hot seat! So as well as the forum upgrade, new skin and a few staff alterations, we also have a few (more relevant) changes. Ownership of Subforums In the past, we have had 'section moderators'. These are staff who get a handful of subforums each which they can moderate, but they can't moderate the rest of the forum (unlike super mods). However, these subforums are usually picked a bit randomly, and quite often the section moderators don't even visit all of their areas. So we're changing this. Starting soon, we will start giving some members a certain level of ownership over a chosen area of the forum. These members will practically run that subforum: picking which topics are pinned, closing dead topics, stopping people bumping old threads, making sure everyone stays relevant and on topic (without spoiling their fun) etc. This is quite different to forum staff, who just go around and clean up other people's mess, because you'll have a big say in how your subforum is run. If you want it to be relaxed and funny, then you can make it like that. If you want it to be really focused and useful for people to find out they information they need quickly, with a really helpful community around that, then you can make it like that. This is a great opportunity for a lot of you to get involved in how this forum is run, so I hope a lot of you will want to get stuck in and put yourselves forward for this! More details of how you can apply will come in a few days. Report-a-Post The reporting system is very useful for members to alert staff when there is a spammer on the forum, or some really serious abuse. However, it could be a lot more useful if members used it for anything staff need to know about, like arguments. So starting today, you can use the "Report" button, below a post, to alert staff to any misbehaviour or breach of the rules, including arguing, spamming, etc. Again, don't use it just because you disagree with someone's opinion, or just because you don't like them. Staff are here to help, so if someone is being a pain in the backside and spoiling the forums, then we can step in and help out. We can help arbitrate arguments and facilitate discussion, we can do more than just ban people. Just ask us to help, that's what we're here for! Rep & Voting The warning/rep system has been overhauled, and I'll do my best to quickly explain the changes. Member Rep has been removed. Instead, you can now vote individual posts up/down. Just close your eyes and think of Digg. This is to be used when you think a post is unusually good, or unusually bad. Vote up someones post if it's really clever, funny, helpful, informative etc. Vote down a post if they are being rude or arguing. You have a maximum of 10 votes per day. This is NOT to be used for voting up someone just because they are your friend; or voting them down just because they disagree with you. Abusing the system will be dealt with, with a formal warning. Warning System In the past, rep and warnings used to cancel each other out. Now rep has been removed, that obviously doesn't happen anymore. Warnings now stand on their own. You do have a warning level, which goes up every time you receive a formal warning. More serious offences will increase your warning level by more than minor offences. But now, this is only used for staff to understand how well you have behaved in the past, and this does not automatically suspend/ban you when you reach a certain level. Staff can suspend or ban a member at any time, if they think the offence is serious enough; or if there are a lot of minor offences. There are a few other changes behind the scenes, but nothing massively important. Just give me a shout if you have any questions.
    3 points
  39. Considering how defensive you've become over some people not being interested in what you have to say, I think you fear rejection a whole lot more than you actually are subject to being rejected. You're false in assuming people avoid your posts to single you out, and even more false in thinking people can't choose to avoid you. I reject the notion I'm wrong without facts, or in partiality, correct. I also object to people calling me 'creepy' which they've done, at GTAForums in particular. It comes across as not liking people so you poll for a ban on them participating in a forum where all walks of life SHOULD be represented. I present the absolute truth to the best of my ability, but I am human, I also make mistakes. You and everyone else in the room and the World are privy to error. Yes, I'm lonely a lot of the time, my friends all have let life get in the way... of fun!! I'm blamed for lack of multiple users active posting, or not in so many words, I'd stay away from 4Chan on what I'd heard about it. I'm not a Jerry Springer Reject, as I was also called. I'm a loner in many ways because of asbergers I suppose. Also I'm an introvert in a public social setting. I use Twitter and Facebook but I don't like them as much as standard forums, but I learned to ween my participation from the earliest days, where I spent hours online at a forum like GTA or in Usenet tech chats, BCRich Handmade Forums, circa 2002
    2 points
  40. I chose to close it down, for a variety of reasons. For a period of about 6 weeks or so I did have a big message up on the site urging people to download a backup of their images as after this they would be gone forever. Sorry you didn't see that. The majority of good users of it were infrequent at best. Much of the frequent usage became hosting for random pornographic images. Basically I didn't want to be associated with it any more. It was never a very good image hosting site anyway, it was simpler than the likes of Imageshack, but it could never compete with today's giants like Imgur, which offers far superior image hosting to anywhere else. In addition to this, because of the type of content it had and the traffic coming from mostly third world countries, it was not economically viable for me to run. I was not able to earn any income from it which meant it was literally wasting my money away on the storage/bandwidth just so random people in third world countries could host some porn. So yeah I'm afraid it's gone for good. I did keep a full backup of the site for about a month or two after I shut it down, in case something like this happened, but I've since deleted that as no one ever brought it up. You are too late I'm afraid.
    2 points
  41. Easily one of the most retarded laws the EU has brought about so far. They simply do not understand what cookies are actually used for in the majority of cases, and just because a few uneducated people are paranoid about it, they bring in a ridiculous law that forces website to show obtrusive messages to users. I dunno, the BBC had an article on this yesterday and this part... ...makes me think it's not such a big deal to be in breach of. I haven't actually read the law fully but I don't understand why all this emphasis in the news is specifically being put on UK websites. Why just the UK? If it's an EU law then what about all the other EU countries? Won't they be in breach of it too? My server is actually located in The Netherlands. So if this is just for UK sites then I'm technically exempt. So fuck 'em. Anyway, I haven't done anything about this stupid cookie law on any websites I run. We already have a privacy policy here on TGTAP which tells you exactly how we use cookies. We actually don't use anything ourselves aside from keeping you logged in if you tick the box to do that. Cookies for statistical purposes are handled by Google Analytics, and advertising ones (the ones people are paranoid about) simply serve you more relevant ads but again we don't even use these ourselves. Oh well, all people achieve by blocking cookies is ensuring they see less relevant and thus more annoying ads... I don't get why someone would want to do this, and why they have a problem with being served relevant ads. They seem to think people are spying on them, when in reality all that's happening is an algorithm is analysing data which no human sees. People are idiots.
    2 points
  42. Mass Effect 3. EDIT: O wait you meant GTA V, my bad...
    2 points
  43. Because it's a misleading and deceptive lie? That never stopped people trying to make money now has it?
    2 points
  44. When exposing yourself out there, in real life or in the internet, there's always certain risks to counterbalance potencial benefits, you can't have everything, she needs to know that. I'm not the biggest fan of just staying quiet but if these people are teasing her for being autistic then they don't even deserve an answer, you can't reason with folks like that.
    2 points
  45. Hey everybody, I am rwils79 from GTAForums.com and the rules on that site won't allow me to host my mod, or show anything of it there, due to conversion rules. Anyway, I have decided to host my mod for everyone to enjoy here on thegtaplace.com! It first started off as me sitting at my laptop thinking: "I want to convert Broker to SA! Yeah! That's a good idea!" So, by the time I had converted a few blocks of buildings from Broker, I thought to myself: Somebody's got to convert the whole GTAIV map to GTASA at some point, and I've done this much and I'm not stopping now, why don't I just go ahead and convert the whole map? (I know it's gonna take a LONG, LONG time!). So far, I have converted a decent amount of Broker (Or at least what's decent in my eyes!), the whole of Broker Bridge and a bit of Algonquin, the but that's as soon as you get off Broker Bridge. I'll be uploading lots of pics for you guys to WOW at soon! The team is as follows: Ryan W - Me, the guy who started it all, the leader/founder and converter for this (awesome ) mod. vans123 - Converter and prelighter. noelgamo - Converter. -When he gets his hands on a copy of GTAIV PC. Huckleberry Pie - GUI (Graphical User Interface) artist, load-screen converter and GXT editor. gtasearcher - Advanced scripter, audio converter/editor, game start-up data hacker, graphics designer (along with Huckleberry Pie) and command-line programmer. magicsl33 - Animation creator/converter. Kogenta - 5 years Photoshop experience, graphics artist and texture enhancer/creator.
    2 points
  46. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm back. Did y'all miss me? Anyhow, I wanted to put this in the "Your Religion/Beliefs" sticky but then I thought the topic I'm gonna share with y'all should be a thread on its on. So here I go.... I was watching this documentary yesterday and it really stood out to me. I don't care what religious / spiritual beliefs you have (or what you don't have), but this is a must-watch for anyone. Don't be put off by the title and don't be derailed because of it's content. Here's the synopsis: You can see it on youtube or Netflix or get it on DVD. peace and blessings, GTA P.S. The guy who did this documentary wears a crazy bumper-sticker jumpsuit.
    2 points
  47. Do you have some kinda problem or what? I don't think you should swear like some insane madman, also speaking some kinda Japanese-English combined street language.First of all try to write in normal English language, second watch your mouth and try not to swear, third get a doctor.
    2 points
  48. Guys! Does whatever a moderator say go straight out the door? Stop replying to each other with useless spam.
    2 points
    2 points
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