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  1. I like the way you think kokane. When a country (such as the US, but not exclusively) have entire infrastructures of power, laws, morals and standards inexorably linked to Christianity, and claim that they are a Christian nation, and then proceed to rape and pillage and murder in the pursuit of money and power over peace, it becomes hard for me to legitimately believe that religion has a place in modern society. Especially when it is a factual and blatant breach of not only the ten commandments, but international law defended by the pursuit of Christianity. Now I understand not every Christian is a military strategist funnelling men into the middle east in pursuit of money. What I don't understand is how a god supposedly so mighty, so benevolent, and so irrefutably mighty would allow the slaughter not only of millions of men, women and children, but of every moral fibre he entrusted the first human beings with. He called one man to a mountain to sacrifice his son as a test of loyalty, but will not so much as call out those refusing to fund legitimate cancer research because it won't profit, or feed the hungry, or allow the racial barriers that plague this earth to be broken. All men were created equal. The meek, instead of inheriting the earth, lie downtrodden, dead broke, and tied to systems that will perpetuate their own misery for eons to come. That's why I can't come to terms with religion (mainly Christianity - I'm the first to admit I don't know enough to comment on any others) it just seems to me that we have wagered an awful lot on the Bible being right, and the longer the play goes on the more grim the reality gets. I'd also like to note I don't have a problem with someone being openly Christian / Catholic / Muslim / whatever, but do lose some respect for those who refuse to think critically. The longer and more passionately someone argues with me (outside of predictable and circular logic) the more I respect them. Was arguing with one of my close friends on the vices and virtues of capitalism, which I'm pretty passionate about, and he managed to shut me up about it. Beers followed.
    1 point
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