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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/12 in all areas

  1. We hope you enjoyed the epic second trailer for GTA V released earlier today. Here's our thoughts and analysis of what we saw. Screenshot #1: On whatever platform Rockstar is using, the draw distance is truly amazing. You can see the whole city from this mountain side view. Screenshot #2: We can see a tennis court (side activity?) and all of Michael’s mansion, on the left of the tennis court, we can see a man using a leaf blower. Screenshot #3: We can see some different types of vegetation along the driveway, along with a car that looks a bit like the Audi R8 Spyder. Screenshot #4:We can see Michael’s (at least somewhat) promiscuous daughter that has a tramp stamp and a below the neck tattoo of some sort. We can also see Michael’s wife in some tennis clothing. They are both arguing about having a male sleep over the house. Screenshot #5:We can see Michael holding a drink and smoking a cigar. Screenshots #6 & #7: We can see Michael picking up a leaf and throwing it to get it away from the pool. This shows that Michael cares about his property very much, and probably thinks that the landscaper we saw earlier is doing a subpar job. Screenshots #10 & #11: We can see a Mesa Grande, Sabre GT/Sabre, and possibly a Cheetah. In the underpass we can see a train passing by, it’s brakes squealing as it comes to a stop. Next to the train we can see some water flowing. Screenshot #12:We can see a very big difference in the type of vehicles in this area compared to the city area. We mostly just see 18-wheeler trucks (hopefully detachable backs). Maybe trucking missions will make a return? Along with the trucks, we can see some windmills and satellite dishes in the background. They seem to appear a lot in the desert area. Screenshots #13 & #14: We can see an intoxicated man struggling to walk, a brawl going on, and a car that looks like a Tornado driving by in front of a bar. We can see our favorite brands return, such as Redwood cigarettes and Pibwasser beer. Screenshot #15: We can hear Trevor yelling in the background about crank, which is a very strong type of Methamphetamine very popular in the midwestern states. Crank is used a lot by truckers to stay awake during their long journeys. We can see that Trevor is holding some sort of gun. We also see a trailer in the background sinking in water, most likely caused by some sort of flood or an earthquake (earthquakes happen frequently in California). It is also suggested that Trevor's last name is Phillips, since he mentions "Trevor Phillips Enterprises". Screenshot #16: We can see an aquarium in the background that is not filled with water. Trevor looks like he’s about to smash a man’s head into the wood. Screenshot #17: Trevor smashes a man’s head into the wood. Screenshot #18: Possible tattoo of a pot leaf on Trevor’s hand. Look’s like he’s holding a gun, most likely a sawed off shotgun. Screenshot #19: We can see the Bandito makes a return. Screenshot #21: We can see a very angry Trevor throwing a Molotov cocktail. We also see some sort of purple vegetation on the left, probably different than the earlier screenshots. Maybe some sort of plant picking similar to Red Dead Redemption? Screenshot #22: We can see a trail of fire rising from the Molotov cocktail that Trevor threw. Either that’s really, really dry wood or Trevor poured some gasoline in the house first. Screenshot #23: Trevor walks away from the burning house. Again, we see vegetation in the background. We also see Trevor being a . Screenshot #28: We can see dead bodies and gas tanks in the background. Screenshot #29: An SUV in the background and a BMW looking car. Screenshot #30: One of the main San Francisco bridges is shown. Screenshot #31: We see part of San Francisco here, doesn’t that dome in the background look familiar? Also, check out how much the busses have changed... I bet we’ll be able to walk around on them and get on and off at bus stops. Screenshot #35: We see another type of Audi vehicle, maybe the same as the one before, being driven off by Franklin. Screenshot #36: We can see the license plate says "SA Exempt". California has the license plate "CA Exempt" to denote government vehicles. This would imply that Franklin is stealing a government issued vehicle. Screenshot #37: Some sort of race or getaway is going on? Screenshot #42: We can see the interior of Franklin’s home, and possibly his girlfriend or sister in the scene as well. Screenshot #43: A closer look at his sister/girlfriend. Screenshot #44: Police follow a truck that is filled with cars (Franklin is most likely driving). Screenshot #45: Seems like the back can be controlled to drop cars off in situations like this to distract your opponent. Screenshot #55: Rockstar's own "Apple" computer is shown (called "Fruit"). We also see Michael talking to someone, most likely a psychologist or psychiatrist about his son, James. Screenshot #57: We see someone hanging on to the sail of a boat, most likely his son James. Screenshot #62: If you look at the license plate, it says San Andreas and not Los Santos. Screenshot #66: We see Michael’s son, James, all tatted up, talking about “bouncing”. We can observe that Michael does not like when his son uses the term “bounce”. Screenshot #67: We see Trevor kicking someone’s face in. Screenshot #70: Maybe a new plane, or a Beagle? Screenshot #72: An absolutely stunning shot of the mountains we’ll be able to see, and hopefully play on. Screenshot #73: A safe is being blown out of the wall, most likely in a bank. Screenshot #76: Some robbers holding assault rifles. Screenshot #78: Dogs (rotweiller)! Cars! CLUCKIN’ BELL?! Screenshot #79: If we look on the street pole we can see some postings. One looks like a missing person or missing pet poster. Maybe we can do these as side missions? Screenshot #81: Franklin hops over a car. Maybe we’ll be able to hop over cars like this in free roam? Screenshot #82: A dog hops on to a car and hops off of a car, Screenshot #83: Michael rappels down a building. Screenshot #85: A man disguised as a Bugstar employee (most likely a pest removal service) wearing a gas mask and using his gun to smash some glass. And yeah, I tried calling 999-BUGSTAR and it’s a non-working number. Screenshot #87: We see the name of three of the roads, Sel Perro Fwy, Elipse Blvd, and Bay City Ave. Screenshot #88: Some sort of military issued Jeep falling out of a plane. Screenshot #92: A man jumps out of the jet or the jeep and uses the parachute to land. Reminds me of a certain mission in San Andreas... Screenshot #93: We see some guys racing on Quad’s and Sanchez’s, in full offroad racing gear. Maybe we can wear this outfit as we wish. Screenshot #95: A big collision in the race. Screenshot #102: Looks like a Buzzard attack helicopter, previously seen in The Ballad of Gay Tony. Screenshot #103: A military jet, most likely a Hydra. Screenshot #105: A police helicopter, probably the new Police Maverick. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed what we have! If you see any errors or have any suggestions, please post in the forums and let us know!
    1 point
  2. Thanks for the corrections. Thanks, corrected.
    1 point
  3. Ok, Loved the cars, the dogs, the running water in the river was cool as opposed to the still water in SA rivers. and the lights on the police car look a lot more realistic than they did in GTA4 So far Rockstar hasn't really impressed me with the screen shots and trailers. i feel like you cant really see a whole lot in the screens theyre giving and this trailer was really cool and showed off awesome graphics never seen in a GTA game, it really mostly showed boring cutscenes. not a whole lot of action. i'd wouldve liked to see some guns or clearer shots of the city/countryside & i'm not pleased with the music in the game. it better get better. Please dont make the same mistake you made with GTA4 not to say i dont think the game will be great, cuz i do. i just wish theyd show us more of it than they have been I completely agree with TUN3R
    1 point
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