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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/13 in all areas

  1. Having games on Blu-ray isn't about graphics. The GPU determines how good the graphics can be. The point of Blu-ray media is that you can fit fucking massive amounts of data on them, 10 times more than a DVD anyway. This is why games like LA Noire and Max Payne 3 fit on a single disc for PS3 players, while Xbox 360 players have 2 or 3. That's the benefit of Blu-ray. The specs I was referring to was the things you mentioned (Blu-ray, Windows 8 OS, required internet) as those are still things that haven't been confirmed and was allegedly completely made up by the guy who "leaked" them... it's irrelevant anyway until MS/Sony actually release official specs.
    1 point
  2. You might be right actually, Xbox has been stylised in quite a few different ways. It's all caps on the product itself, but seems to be Xbox on the website and in any official texts now. What's wrong with Blu-ray support though? It's pretty logical they'd support that as the physical media, since HDDVD is now defunct. I don't see how this is either a good or a bad point. It's just something they had to do really. You can't fit big games on DVDs any more. Required internet is stupid yes. Windows 8 style OS... not sure on that. If it's like the PC version then yeah bad move, if it's modified to suit gamepad/Kinect use then maybe that will be ok. BTW, the "leaked" 720 specs were supposedly part of an experiment into how gaming media reported stories without fact-checking anything, not sure if that was true or yet but if so we don't really know anything about it.
    1 point
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