Xbox One, we're talking about. Microsoft offered an official response to the outpouring of disgruntled gamers over the new digital Rights Management landscape and sweeping changes that the ONE would impose starting this year. The sad truth is this issue is not going to be done anytime soon, it's always been an issue coming from Microsoft founder Mr. Bill Gates, who first raised the issue of software purchase and protection at the original Homebrew computer meets in sunny California, during the mid to late 1970s. Apple and Microsoft's history at that time is well documented as both firms rose to major prominence using the same inside tech from Xerox and IBM's severe lack of interest in any commercial, home computing ideas for the public at large. Bill Gates as you know, focused on software, Apple had it's hand in home computer hardware from the outset of the industry.
Other companies and individuals get less share of the limelight, but it's been reported that Gates expressed the need for things like the dreaded EULA and copyright protection before it was readily feasible or available. What would have come about years ago is possible now, but has also prevented many DIGITAL High Quality media from making major inroads.
You might have a hard time believing that based on how old you are, and considering the wide array of electronics now, but it was a long, hard, drawn out process to get to this point. Many man hours and much money was spent trying to marry protection along with High Definition and High Quality audio, video, and other forms of media delivery. First seen in audio's transition from analog to digital on a mass scale, but at the same time, every tech evolution in the PC world filtered down to your hands in consumer devices. A clear example of these would be optical disc based recorders. Needed for mass data computer storage, they also served lighter duty replacing audio cassette tapes, and were arguably, sorely needed as well.
What this backstory is leading to is that every evolution to a better, brighter future of product innovation is mired in protection of those producing such product and offering software for hardware developed by someone else. As is the case in the World at large, it's not a big, happy World, there are a bunch of different viewpoints impacting what gets made, and how successful it is, often a great idea dies because of this stifling environment that births what new evolutions come along.
Today on the backs of those much costly, longer running battles of tech evolution, things are moving much faster to affordable solutions everyone can hope to obtain, but the issue of piracy remains and has been a point of contention since the 80s, basically. When I was a kid, I bought a few pieces of software, but often the only means open to me was trading and collecting on the user market, so for Microsoft to go against the vast majority just seems foolhardy, but also points to a vision they've expressed interest in before with Windows, and will likely continue to pursue some manner of implementing that!