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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/13 in all areas

  1. ITT: blanketing insults upon every continent. You missed Antarctica, but I'll just assume they're cunts and save you the trouble of justifying it. OT: I wouldn't be surprised (happy is another matter) if they did actually end up putting a version of Grove St. into the game. Neither Liberty City nor Vice City had a location which the protagonist really had that was their 'home', and as such, Neither Claude's first safehouse nor Tommy's hotel really 'mattered', or worked to give you a reason to fight for them. Grove did have this, however, which makes it a much richer, much more significant part of the franchise. I know what you're gonna say: But we can use Francis International as an example of a location which has functionally and aesthetically changed, taken on a new location and has fallen in and out of relevance, but it HAS survived the transition between the 'generations' of the game, if only by name.
    1 point
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