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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/13 in all areas

  1. The news media hasn't helped any by throwing around terms like "assault rifle" & "semi-automatic". 200 years ago an "assault rifle" was 5 feet long & you loaded it w/ a broomstick. If you were really good you get off 3 shots in a minute. In the meantime that same news media do things like publicizing the George Zimmerman case (surprised that topic didn't get more of a response) Similar cases at the time were ignored because they just weren't interesting enough. Sensationalist puds would go wall to wall w/ a cat in a tree if they thought it would get ratings. Another term is "assault weapon" which technically is any weapon used to assault someone. The average 5th grader leaves for school everyday carrying a pack full of things that could be used as such. Spartan is right in the comparisons w/ stabbings, drowning & drunk driving. Again, the answer is idiot control.
    1 point
  2. Seen vids of Ted shooting up shit in his backyard, if you wanna play with guns, do so safely and in the same regard you see on TV at the GunClubs, Now granted, GTA with Ammunation get to poke fun at these same social mores, but yes, when you hear of some young kid shooting at school or classmates, etc. It's usually access from an adult member of the family who clearly has no clue how to properly own and handle them, if anyone who shouldn't has gained access to those weapons. That's damn foolhardy, and I don't care much for any excuse when it's so easy to lock guns up safely and keep ammunition hidden and locked as well. Most people won't face a life or death home invasion situation. God's honest truth
    1 point
  3. Ted Nugent represents most.... Okay, we're gun nuts (now that's out of the way). Seriously, what sane rational person is going to spend $1200, fill out a small hill of paperwork & submit to a full background check on an AR15 just to drive around & shoot up the hood? I joke about Walmart being a redneck's favorite place on earth because you can go in there at 2AM & in one stop to pick up a ham sandwich, a car battery & an AR15 in one stop, but guaranteed by 2:10 Walmart & the federal government know exactly who you are, where you live & what firearm you just bought. Instead of going after 99% of gun owners who (usually at considerable effort) stay within the law, concentrate on stolen weapons, illegal sales & people who are just plain batshit crazy. During debate over the Clinton gun control act the NRA supported background checks including mental health. Sara Brady herself proclaimed this was outrageous because it insulted the dignity of people w/ mental issues. The Long Island Railroad massacre was still fairly fresh in people's minds at this time. WTF!? PS Hey, BL what's up, I'm Urban & it's good to see another (alleged) adult around here.
    1 point
  4. Filters include hidden text or numbers using HTML script that a spambot that's automated without a human brain cannot detect, but as an Admin myself, I'll look up questionable IP to help get an idea of the source. Having need for a contact, address, phone, etc. However, I'm against texting confirmation since my phone itself won't support that in a data plan unless I paid a premium for it, unwilling to do that just to have my credentials confirmed for online forums, etc.
    1 point
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