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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/14 in all areas

  1. Well, we all know that media, especially local media who aren't as bought as national media, all want to have the most shocking news and "studies" possible to impress people, when that's not always the reality. They just grab a load of "studies", put them together, and the conclusion always is - videogames are bad for people, videogames influence people, etc. when that's not really what is going on. For example, someone who kills another person "because of a game", can't be blamed for doing so because of the game. If he even had to kill someone to see how it was like, he definitely had to have other mental issues. It aggrivates me when the media blames videogames for everything, not taking into account other aspects of sociology and psychology, just the games themselves hurting people's minds. It's ridiculous. Even more annoying is when pseudo-psychologists come to TV shows and news programmes to talk about how bad videogames are for children, teenagers or the society in general, it's just fearmongering.
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