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  1. Those riots that play a big part in the final chapter of 10 year old GTA San Andreas were the real results of the Rodney King beating officers getting off the hook in the legal system, and it's seen as unjust punishment for black communities seen as targetted by white (predominently) police forces in various pockets of the Country. A news report online says that the World is watching the fall out of the Ferguson MO police shooting, Michael Brown the victim, is reported the aggressor putting the police officer in question as risk, it's seen that way, that there was reasonable fear for his life. This caused outbreaks of protests across North America, in which only a block from where I live now, a hit and run incident occured where a car blocked by the protests outside a police station resulted in that car trying to drive through the street packed with protesters just starting a night-time march through the streets, starting around rush hour only added to the difficulty they imposed. ALL traffic was re-routed for several hours, harrowing news footage aired of the most chaotic incident shot live from the air. I was only aware of the increased traffic outside my window, and having to go do some shopping, I saw the demonstrations still taking place. Sound off on this issue in this thread, what do you make of the incident of last August and the way people have been going about dealing with it, and what should happen to fix again, another systemic breakdown as it appears, within our systems of Goverment and control. There's a real fear of having not enough protection and justice, Or of it being too heavy handed and militaristic. People want, genuinely, the peace keeping forces to be in touch with the community in which they patrol and protect. Which sounds the most reasonable wy to start conversations in a Peaceful manner. If you think about the BIG picture, in a society where violence were curtailed to a good extent, if not completely, could people use computer / video games to deal with their anger and frustration? Their built up tensions that should be released some how? Is it enough? I wonder myself if that would be enough of a cathartic release. I feel demonstrations have their place, but now you have Social Media and website outlets, that in general, get your message out much further and effectively then a street protest hoping for attention and coverage. http://www.businessinsider.com/al-sharpton-on-ferguson-protests
    1 point
  2. The scary scene in Minneapolis the other day, a car driving over protesters appeared to be a deadly incident, I live only about a block away from where this happened, and it's been on nearly EVERY US news service I've seen, Inside Edition most recently this evening covered the riots and again mentioned MPLS, however, depending on where you hear this news, the info will vary, They excluded the portion about the car stopping several blocks down the street and the driver cooperating with police, the incident under investigation at present. One person on camera said that the driver felt it MORE important to get home for dinner then to stop and allow for the proper time and detour to safely avoid them. When I went to the store for beverage, police had already blocked off the intersection (the crowd gathered outside the police station and then went North to march along the freeway running from MPLS to St Paul, Minnesota, at that time the street was blocked but empty outside of police patrols. As to the issue, it's rather cloudy because people protesting weren't there, I'm inclined to even side with the parents of such youth if and really, only if, they practice a loving environment at home with proper knowledge of what their kids are doing on a daily basis, The police officer in question has said he was in fear for his life, believing Michael Brown would take his gun in a second attempt, however, even first reports I heard of this was that he was running away and then turned and again approached the officer, already having provoked some physical confrontation within his cruiser, where the initial incident cited took place, in very close quarters. The events that happened at that exact time and beforehand are still a mystery. People protesting forget what that means, they forget what lacking facts means, they forget that rioting, looting, and wanton destruction is hurting THEIR OWN community, it's not sending any helpful, positive message, it's pure acting in anger and thinking anything is then acceptable for you to act out aggression in any manner you see fit. They burned and destroyed their own community in effect, this has no reflection on the police force, only back on their own bad behavior as a response mechanism. Shame on those instigators. Plenty of people did peacefully demonstrate, and I heard quite a few intelligent remarks in light of everything, even store owners who had to endure great personal loss, and face the idea that they may rebuild yet again in that SAME community, that's some real strong hope, and I'd have to wonder if I'd ever feel safe in a town so violated by it's own inhabitants. (some were outsiders who saw a chance to stir the sh*t, it has to be said, but irregardless, they perpetuate this stereotype you mention, and we all know)
    1 point
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