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Posts posted by EvoLuTioN

  1. Wow Since when has it been up? My nick is already taken. Anyways my nick is EvoZaniac. The Social club seems fun, becoming a SocioNet site of R* game players.

    Btw Are we gonna have a nice Social club nick under the profile like the PSN and xbl ids?

  2. Tell me whats with this new sig, eh guys?


    Don't bother those light blue strokes above the body...they're intentional :hurrhurr:

    EDIT - This looks damn easy to do, but I want to know how does it look, since I myself love simplicity and being classic :awesome:

    The Thing about simple signatures is that you have to finish them so that they don't look like a 5min attempt. Here's an example on what you can try.


    Your "Toxic" doesn't stand out enough either.
    True, If I hadn't read that I would have never known that Toxic is written in there somewhere.

    Also another thing I've noticed in most of your works are that you use a lot of filters. I for one am not the biggest fan of of it, more then one filter and it messes up the image. Also try saving as .png more flexible and way better quality than a jpeg.

  3. You can add the link in your signature, as long as its not a porn/malicious/warez or any other harmful/illegal site. You seem like a good member, stick around have fun here. We are a friendly community. And welcome to the site everyone else.

  4. Nice Ichigo siggy dude, always hated that render though.

    Sorry for asking noobish questions but what do you mean by 'that render'? And ALVASI, thank you for being chill with my asking of a new sig. I love it.

    I meant the character cut out which he used.
  5. You can mark points that you want and the GPS will always tell you the shortest legal route to the destination with yellow or blue arrows
    Somewhere deep inside I always wanted that, I don't know if its been done in Gta4. Its good that Rockstar are concentrating on the quality of the game and not on the release date and giving out a rushed version even though its not a major title.
    Thanks Evo for the heads up.
  6. New CW info has been leaked on the internet, it seems it has not yet been confirmed by rockstar. Its taken from a Spanish magazine preview

    • Camera can swivel 360 degrees.

    • Trains will pass overhead in the city, cars will circle, pedestrians will be walking, etc.

    • GPS seen on the touch screen while you move through the city.

    • PDA allows you to gain access to the map with more details as well as the goals of missions.

    • You can mark points that you want and the GPS will always tell you the shortest legal route to the destination with yellow or blue arrows.

    • New discoveries (such as gas stations) are added to the map.

    • Top screen brings you all the action, while the lower screen will let you control elements like the PDA, GPS, the radio, access to the people on the map, or using Molotov cocktails and grenades.

    • Drugs have a big importance in the game.

    • Drug system can be compared to Drugwars.

    • You have to control the stock of drugs, buy them in one neighbourhood and sell them in another. Good way to make money in the game

    • You are given a map so that you know what people demand and at what prices.

    • Like other GTA games, in Chinatown Wars, you can catch a taxi - whistle into the microphone so the taxi will stop.

    Source : Nintendo everything - Via Cvg

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