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Posts posted by EvoLuTioN

  1. EDIT: On a more serious note, did you guys know that over 1000 people committed suicide because of this?
    Yeah Just heard in the news about a 11 or 12 year old girl who committed suicide after hearing this.
    They werent TRYING to purpsoly destroy the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It took them 20 years, and £4 Billion to make, and accoring to the News, they havnt found anything that interesting yet. What a wast e of money...

    Even if they did conduct the experiment its not like "Hey I'll fire up the Big hardon thing and I'll now what life was made from". Its going to take them years to work on that data, Just the data collected from today's run is going to take around 3-4years to work on.A cam kept capturing 80mil frames Per/sec and 19mil CDs worth of data was collected within the one one hour of testing.

    *The figures can be wrong, I was a bit drowsy when the news was on but its should be similar

  2. For a black hole to be big enough to suck the entire planet in something really huge like the sun has the smash into each other. The black hole created by this experiment is kinda very very tiny and will evaporate within the 10 or 20th of a secound.

    If you don't believe that then.


  3. No not like the, Keep the Eminem render to the Left oh it like the Halo dude in your sig and the puppet to the right of the sig sticking up from the bottom like it is in the orignal image. Let the background stay as it is in the background don't stick the images into it. Also can you move the text box a bit to the right edge and a bit towards the bottom.

    Tip: When changing the size of and image/cut out hold shift down and drag the corners of the modification box. It will keep the Height and Width in the original ratio. The render you used look a bit stretched

  4. Okay lets get you started, The Siggy resolution should be around 350*200px Keep the Eminem pic to the left and the puppet render to the right. After Cutting out the puppet from the from the pic and flip it horizontally so that its facing left. And in a yellowish (Check he sample) box at the bottom right with a 1px. border write "...EvoLuTioN"




    I'd prefer it if you could use this as the backgrounnd


    Sample: It should look something like this.


    Also mess around with your own ideas and create something.

  5. Yea, Initially Sony was paying for it but then they stopped funding it. Probably because of the due date being postponed. So nothing stops them for developing it for the 360.

    Irrelevant: Rockstar has announced a Ps3 exclusive being developed by Rockstar North.

  6. Yeah LA Noir has been in development for quite sometime, The last news that I heard about is that Team Bondi is hiring Xbox360 devs. So its probably not going to be a Ps exclusive. The game and story seems quite interesting though.

  7. GTA 4 Downloadable Content Is said to be releasing around November this year and will be adding 15 hours of gameplay to the the game, Well atleast thats what the some of the gaming sites are reporting

    According to the unconfirmed reports, the new (Xbox Experiance) dashboard will be joined in November by the release of the GTA IV DLC, neither of which have been given official dates.
    Furthermore, that DLC will add around 15 hours of play to the game, claims RPG-TV.

    The exact contents of GTA's incoming DLC has gone unconfirmed, but we're hoping for at least a new key character in the game to give Niko another story to work through. Even maybe a new area.

    Quote From RPG-TV

    I'm not sure if this has been confirmed already or not but I was told the new dashboard would arrive in November. Dates-wise I also discovered that the first piece of GTA downloadable content will be arriving in November as well. Very little details were given but I was assured it would be sizeable bringing roughly 15 hours of additional play time. I'm expecting either an additional island or a new family bringing new missions. Will be interesting to see whether or not this progresses the core story.




  8. nothing, almost everytime, i forget my dreams by the time i wake up

    The last dream I remember was Cattle strapped with c4 were trying to kill me and the weather and environment was like a scene from Texas chainsaw massacre, Orange skies and all!

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