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Posts posted by EvoLuTioN

  1. bsspartarn8.gif


    A few good members interested in graphics will probably join the forums and stick around once Gta4 releases for PC, also with awards and elections (for which I will most probably be inactive) will get people active

  2. Which one is easier and more simple, Copying one file into another folder and playing it on a PC or downloading a game to your hard drive, ripping a dvd, flashing/getting a flashed console which will immediately void the warranty and playing it? Except for guys who are really assed on pirating stuff I don't think a normal person would go throgh all that trouble.

    Pirates won't buy games anyway.
    Kinda obvious but not entirely true.
    Xbox360 games have been leaked much earlier than PC ones(Fallout 3, Far Cry 2).
    Honestly the only concern for the devs and publishers about console games getting leaked is that of the details being released to the public before the official release, how many guys do you think must have downloaded such games?
    And you blame piracy. :o
    Err how does delaying help fight piracy? Also, console games apart from the PS3 are all easily pirated. Maybe even easier than PC games now because of all the security they put on it. Early leaks are always on console games.
    I never said delaying helps fight piracy, I said it helps increasing the profit of the sales for consoles which are relatively less pirated.

    IMO At the moment Pc releases of console games are just a way for the game devs to earn some extra profit.

  3. The main reason developers delay the PC release is probably due to piracy, Pc versions of the games are easy to crack and pirate, Consoles on the other hand require some efforts. There are way fewer people who pirate games for consoles due to which there is more sales and more profit. The release date or details about the PC release is not given out so that more people go for the console versions.

    Piracy ultimately is gonna kill PC gaming.

  4. Thats really a nice effect dude tell me how did you that ?

    Its Quite simple actually, Just add noise to a layer and motion blur it, Duplicate it 3-4 time, mess around with the blending option and move it around the canvas. Theres probably a more detailed tutorials somewhere on the internet.

    You've got a different style with gfx, but I mean that in a good way. A really good way.

    I'm in love with the Gorillaz signature.

    You're newest avatar and signature above me is great as well, my second favorite on here. The girl is beautiful and the affects are awesome.

    The gorilla siggy was actually a very random one, I was just bored and started messing around in photoshop :P , Turned out pretty nice. The girl in the second rain tag is Yachiru from bleach.

    More shiz... CC?

    Little Big Planet


    Not a siggy, but had to try this out.


    Edit: I won't be using the LBP tag, So if anyone wants to use it just buzz me.

  5. I hardly matters actually, Its been what 4 years since the release, The only people to buy it, Like Chris said will be people new to the series who Don't want the go to the store and but their copy.

    @Nate: Physical Copy = The game disk which is inserted in the system. The ones which the xbox originals provide are downloaded the the Hard disk and playable from there.

  6. LOL, well if this does actually happen, I'll be ready with my new camcorder. :lolbounce:

    Exactly what I was thinking when I read the brainwash part.

    Still, it gives me a good excuse to sit around naked & clean my gun. :thumbsup:

    Its my friend.

    Can be so easily misinterpreted :hurrhurr: , Please don't shoot me for my sarcasm.

    And is posting your plans for 14th the new IN thing?

  7. <table width="" class="user-bb-table">


    -About Time eh?

    <div align='left'>More New Stuff:??

    <div align='left'>

    <table width="" class="user-bb-table">

    kurtcobainevozdv1.png</table><table width="" class="user-bb-table">girlsigevozcopymo9.png</table><table width="" class="user-bb-table">bumblebeeevozgs2.png</table><table width="" class="user-bb-table">homerevozzf4.png</table><table width="" class="user-bb-table">stigercopysx1.png</table><table width="" class="user-bb-table">lunajt3.png</table>----------<table width="" class="user-bb-table"> [/b]gorillazevoz3qu8.png</table><table width="" class="user-bb-table">elricfmaevoztutcopydc3.png</table><table width="" class="user-bb-table">elricevozbm8.png</table><table width="" class="user-bb-table">yachiruevozxv7.png</table><table width="" class="user-bb-table">hitsugayatcrysistempcoprw0.png</table><table width="" class="user-bb-table">ceysisevoz1ichigocopypb8.png</table><table width="" class="user-bb-table">ceysisevozcopyxf6.png</table><table width="" class="user-bb-table">taylorswiftevozcopyfc4.png</table><table width="" class="user-bb-table">gow2evozgm5.png</table><table width="" class="user-bb-table">fioreswitheffectevozev4.png</table>

    </div>Rest uploading, Comments?</div>

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