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Everything posted by fatalgamer

  1. I just like Gamestop because I usually buy games there. And they are one of the few game shops in town that offer the buy a used game and take it back with in 7 days if you don't like it thing. And yes the xbox 360 does use a memory card.
  2. Real actors are not good in games. Except, Samual L. Jackson and Burt Reonalds. They are gangster. No other actors except them could do a good job on voicing a video game let alone a GTA games.
  3. True that bro, I totally agree with you. It's so much more stisfying. When you use cheats, like you said, it's like giving up and getting help you should not have gotten. Exactly, I never run out of ammo, eccept at the beginning of the game when I have no money. And I'm a pretty darn good shot, so I make my bullets count. Plus cheats do more than just screw up your achievments. They can mess up your whole game. That's right, cheats will corrupt your game data.
  4. What member of the R* family is behing GTA IV? Is it Rockstar North? I know North was the ones behind GTA San Andreas.
  5. It does in most other games, so. No I would not cheat. I believe in beating the game fair and squair. Plus it's just a whole lot more fun that way. I think it's stupid to mash a few buttons and get rid of the cops when it's just so much more fun to lead a high speed chase across town to the nearest pay n spray. Plus just typing in a code to get a badass car is no fun, when you can work for it and then it feels so much more rewarding. What I'm getting at here is, rewards are'nt rewards if you just use a damn code.
  6. I think it's a parody of the fear people have of getting on a rollercoster. They are always scared of dying when they think of getting on one. It incorperates death with rollercosters.
  7. 1. Have my mother pick my up from school and take me to go get it. (unless I have my license or hartship by then). 2. Get home, go to my room and lock the door. (if my brother comes in I'll knock him the fuck out). 3. Carefully take off plastic. 4. Take off any stickers on the case and put them on my wall. (that's where I put the stickers i get off new games). 5. Open case and sniff it and say mmmmmmhhhhhhhhhh! (I love the smell of new games). 6. Flip through the manual. 7. Play for about four hours then check out online play for about four more hours. 8. Next time I drop a deuce, I'll read the whole manual cover to cover. (sorry for any graphic material)
  8. yeah they should make a better targeting system, which they are, but better than Saints Row. Yes manual aim in SR was sort of difficult and at times frustrating. Instence, your try to shoot a guy and he's just running side to side shooting you and as a result you get killed. That fucking pisses me off so bad dude.
  9. I thought he said. I did this for you, I garunteed that you will find this man. Listen the trailer closely.
  10. I wanna see some combat. I wanna see what Niko can do.
  11. As I said, it's should'nt be banned in the UK, bacause that's where it's being made. Although it is going to expose the more gritty, more gory aspects of the game in a more extreme facuad this time around, I still think it won't be banned anywhere.
  12. LOL, yeah that would do it.
  13. Yeah, the crash effects are gonna be alot better this time. Did you see it when Niko was gettin chased be the cops and the one hit the pole(or what ever) and FLIPPED!!!! that was badass. I was hoping for cenimatic car crashes this time. I guess it's finally coming.
  14. No, it won't be huge. BUT!!!!, little things can make the biggest impacts. A little thing here and a little thing there can turn into something phenominal.
  15. no, then why would he be searching for 10 years? hes the one who survived. think of it the other way around. Roman was in new york and niko was in russia. Niko had a hit or something like that (hit on someone in his family) and they killed everyone but him (punisher) and he has been searching for 10 years for him (the guy who killed his family.) Sounds logical, but I don't know. It's really another one of those wait and see scenarios. I think the third trailer will supply another piece of the puzzle and raise even more question concerning this.
  16. Not really, we're still talking about downloadable content. We just threw in special treatment.
  17. I think that both should get the same dlc. That's fair, just cause Sony started them out does'nt mean they should get special treatment. Same thing applys to Microsoft with them paying 50 mil.
  18. What member of the R* family is behing GTA IV? Is it Rockstar North? I know North was the ones behind GTA San Andreas.
  19. I thought he said, Niko: I'm the one who survived.
  20. None. GTA has never been banned in any country, untill the freakin hot coffe insident. You know it's not gonna be banned in the UK cause that's where it's being made.
  21. The real question is, what new cars will there be?
  22. They are going for similar, not photo copy.
  23. Yeah, R* is going for realistic game play, but come on. No offence but, it's a game. Some of you are getting a little out of hand with the ideas. Not that that's a bad thing, it's good to have imagination. They are'nt going to make it THAT real. Either way I think it's gonna be an awsome experience. I think it's not just be a game in HD, I think it's gonna be HD Gameplay. Can't wait. As far as things that I want in the game. I wanna see Niko pull out a gun as oppossed to it just appearing in his hand. Maybe a gun tucked away in his waist band, if it's small like a pistol, but if it's a large gun, like an AK-47 or shotgun, it should be on a shoulder strap. As for thrown weapons, like a grenade he pulls it from his back underneath his coat, pulls the pen and throws it. Molotovs, Niko does the same but instead of pulling a pen he actually lights the cloth at the top on fire. Melee weapons, like if it's large like a bat, he should'nt be about store them on his person. Maybe he could put it in the trunk of a car untill he wants to use it. But something small like a switch blade knife, he can store in his back pocket. Better destruction on cars and the environment like in the case of an explosion. Better sounds. Like of gun shots, car crash noises,the crunching of metal. Better car crash effects, like the car flips when it hit's something at the right angle. (saw something like that in the second trailer) And alot of other shit I'm to lazy to mention right now.
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