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Everything posted by fatalgamer

  1. I just decide to go to the Gamestop website (American games store) and see what the headlines were on upcoming games. When ever new games are coming out the put it on the home page of the system that it will be released on. Low and behold GTA IV was on the XBOX 360 section with another release date. I think something is happening, I think it won't be long and GTA IV will be announced. This supprised me so that I had to post it, I won't be supprised if this gets locked. LINK: http://www.gamestop.com/default.asp?sect=1270 What do you guys think? Predict the next month. Think it'll get announced? Make your prediction.
  2. No, they won't release one for the PS3 nor the XBOX 360. That's just not Rockstars style. I don't think they should either. Leave the experiense for the full games.
  3. In my opinion it looks alot better this time around. Not because of it being GTA IV with the newest RAGE, though that is most certainly a big contributer. No, what I mean is it looks better proportionally and scale wise. Very sharp might I say, I never really liked it much before at all, mainly because of the handling, but now with new handling, I think I will like it alot more.
  4. I highly doubt it but, sharp eyes.
  5. First bold: Oh God no. That red one is clearly more like a Camero. Wonder what in game car it is? Is it a new one?Hhhmmmmmmm. Second bold: Glad someone agrees with me. It's clearly a Voodoo. Just look at the trunk as you mensioned.
  6. HUH! Am I missing something here. Updates, it has been days brother.
  7. No, no, no. I just get so excited, that I can't help but feel pushed to survive to play the game. Life is far more important. It's just sometimes I really wanna play a game.
  8. Do we really need a magazine to tell us we are number 1. Though it is good to be aknowledged. It's not immposibble to judge who is number one, it's just hard. They have spoken, we are #1.
  9. Nope sorry. All I see is Voodoo. Here it is with out the red lines. But it's a Voodoo, undeniably. Compare the two pics below.
  10. My bad. I did not know that. Tanks for informing me. Think they Might do some gameplay. Also they'll have to do TV spot trailers, commersials.
  11. Possibly a trailer with a GTA IV release date on it?... Who knows? Rockstar is pretty damned creative, they have somthing up their sleeves.
  12. Yo, the Voodoo and Stafford are confirmed. In this screen, you should be able to see them. Well, I'm not as sure about the Stafford as I am the Voodoo. I actually noticed this when they came out, I just could'nt find time to post. I'll post sooner next time.
  13. I'm using the first one. Nice job bro. I got Photoshop and don't even know how to use the damn thing. I wish I did though, I'd make some stuff of my own.
  14. Dude I worry about this shit homie. When I get excited for a game and , say I'm on my way to get it. I'm scared I'll die before I get a chance to play it. Seriously I do.
  15. Hell yeah brother. You gotta make your self know. Get the attention of other chicks, que a joke line when the chick you really like walks by, as they all laugh, she walks by and sees them all over you having a good time and she gets intrueged. That my friend is pre-approval. Women pre-approve men, letting another women know that your ok in their book. Then you lean over and ask her "What else do you have going for you, more than your looks that is?" Watch for subtly indicators of intrest, such as, she blinks alot, messes with her hair or she leans in to listen better. Tell stories that show that you have high value and skills. Trust me it works. You'll get any woman you want this way. That is one of many, many, many things you can do. It's not the only way though. Another person who doesn't read. Righty is gay. It works both ways bro. I was just speaking from my straight perspective. You would just have to change location. Gay night club for example. Oh and the guys will give off different indicaters of intrest.
  16. Hopfully guys, hopfully it's snow. We all know that RAGE is capable of snow. Remember Bully, also Bull Scholarship Edtion is coming out for 360, wich will most likely use a more updated version of RAGE than the PS2. You know the 360 version will have snow, cause well it just would'nt be the same experience with out it. So Rockstar is capable, it's just a matter of wether or not they wanna put it in. I think it would make more since if they did. Plus watch trailer three again. Pause it at 0:54, looks like snow weather to me. Notice steam coming from Niko's mouth, looks kind of chilly. Also look at the bottom left at the edge of the side walk and at the pavement. Sort of white you think? I'm thinking there may be some snow in GTA IV, I'm really hoping for it anyways.
  17. Most Likely, but they also said that Liberty City is just a city. It does'nt have a huge barand desert, or country mountain range. So, I think I see what Rockstar is saying. They don't need planes this time. They don't need planes to make a great, awsome, and huge game. If you want plains in a GTA style game, wait till Saints Row 2, or just play San Andreas. That's just my opinion.
  18. Your not missing out on a whole lot man. Don't worry bout it dude. I got some of his music too, he does'nt have any good songs eccept for King Ring.
  19. I knew we were the best. This is the first site I go to every time I get on the Internet anywhere. You guys most always have the latest new on GTA IV or any GTA game for that matter. Here is my tribute to the admin, thanks guys for making the site and for making it number one.
  20. No they don't. I have a PS3 and a decent small Sony TV and the graphics look fine. I honestly couldn't care for HD, the gaming industry takes it way too seriously nowadays. If your like me than you take it very seriously cause I want my shit to look absolutely the best it can. Plus my old 20' tube takes up to much room. Now with my 26' flat panel I can just hang it on the wall. Lots of room now.
  21. Japan won't ban it. They have a pretty big Rockstar following. But it's gay, when they get a GTA game the slap the Capcom sticker of the Rockstar one. Capcom sucks, they don't even deserve to have thier label on a GTA game.
  22. Totally, especially with PS3. 360 on the other hand looks good either way, but you wanna go get an HD TV, or atleast a high res tv. You'll thank yourself later.
  23. Toss the old one and get one. You'll make room. Trust me, I'm having a hard time think about where mine is gonna go, but I AM gonna find a place. Plus if you get a thin one then you can get a wall mount and mount that biatch. Hang it on a stud though, and unless you built the house and know where they all are, you will need a stud finder.
  24. Dude! The best time to buy a BIG HA TV is after Superbowl season. The prices on on HD TVs drop big time for some reason. I'm really sure why. Yeah boy, join the 26 inchers club son. 26' inches of HD LCD goodness. P.S. Gotta have a 26 inch HD TV to be in in the 26 inchers club.
  25. he was being sarcastic. and i agree with this, the games meant to be fun, and seeing as its a game, not real life, why shuldn't we be able to carry loads of weapons at a time? They are shooting for realistic though. They are bringing fun aspects from real life and putting them in a game.
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