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Everything posted by Damjan

  1. Did you see when that was posted?! Anyways, the guy who made the mod got pissed, so he changed all his files to fuck you Chris(Chris=admin of the site,webmaster), so Chris deleted the files, but i'm pretty sure you can find his mods somewhere else.
  2. Damjan

    Best game OST?

    Forgot that, all the NFS games had awesome soundtracks, especially UG1 and UG 2, and Carbon.
  3. Damjan

    Best game OST?

    What's the best OST for you? Mine are from all the FIFA's, Total Overdose. But on the top of all of them, Marc Eckō's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure, deserves it. It won an MTV award.
  4. Now let me guess, i will get a mass flaming for spamming, fuk u all. Why are you all complaining for ONE post that is useful to this topic. The post was the first thing that came to my mind, can't argue with that.
  5. I'm not worrying, what i told you on msn wasn't that i spam to get 2k/3k of w/e. And Rem, why didn't you post that pic from the gang chat topic with the lolwut shine? It would be much better imo.
  6. YES A MUSTANG. Still waiting for an Rx-8 tho.
  7. Like the title says, CLOSED so lock this topic.
  8. Yep, although we got into a little fight with Scott when i said the hair of that girl makes her look like a freak.
  9. No, this wasn't like it, the site would usually open 2-3 mins after that, but 15 mins?!
  10. For the last 15 mins, TGTAP wouldn't even open. I could only view the text, no images were opening, and it was very slow.
  11. Made my mind, found a cooler, thanks for your help anyways.
  12. Damjan


    I personally don't use any themes, i had AnyColor, but i deleted it, the only theme i liked from it was True Black.And the gloss effects, and custom buttons. You can customize btw.
  13. Damjan

    My First Car!

    How the fuck can't you change gears? I find it pretty easily to change them, only thing i don't know is how much pressure to put on the gas pedal. If i sit in a car without a transmission stick, i begin looking for it, and usually it's tiptronic.
  14. Spider Vice has 6000 posts, and he joined a month later after i joined, spam spam spam.
  15. Damjan

    My First Car!

    Oh. Well nvm then, i personally prefer manual.
  16. Yeah, forgot to mention you too, you have got better with that shit.
  17. how much did your syncmaster cost?

  18. ^ agreed, L-RiC and Spaz will own the warzone.
  19. Damjan

    My First Car!

    He described it in one of the posts in the 1st page, he said it goes 0-80 in 17 seconds, because it's automatic, so he'll be changing it to manual.
  20. Damjan


    I didn't meant clicking the more info part, i was trying to say that it's located somewhere there.
  21. What's the version of your copy of SA, you can see the version in the bottom right corner of the game when you start it up. If it's 2.00/3.00/1.01, it can't be modded, only 1.00 can. If it's not 1.01, use this. Also, if you applied a crack/NO CD crack, the patch won't work, you'll need a fresh install then.
  22. Agreed. Allah/God is the same thing, i'm not trying to say that christianity was the first religion, i'm trying to say that were many religions in the past, but Christianity was before Islam, just so you know.
  23. Fucking classic, i still keep that one and the 2004. Currently playing: Street Fighter 4.
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