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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Depends on how long it took him to record all the dialogues.
  2. Lol, another fail topic. Edit: Connor, you really think she's ugly?
  3. Where is Tommy Vercetti's action figure located?
  4. personal gay collection
  5. Damn, too late. Who cares anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  6. The fourth one and the original one for the PS1 looks pretty good.
  7. Shadow of the colossus Resident evil 4 ( best survival horror game ever) GTA IV
  8. I don't really like the camera but it's not a big deal. So there's not really anything I hate, it's more things I would like to see.
  9. No, absoulutely not. I hate the gangsta theme. Also, who says that SA was the best GTA game?
  10. Ivan

    What if?

    You would miss What if you were dead?
  11. Well, I'm dating Kiki and Carmen
  12. The girl on craplist.net, I have already clicked the contact thingy but she won't reply. I've waited for days and it's starting to get annoying. Help would be appreciated.
  13. Lol, you'll get it from your cousin anyway, right?

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