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Everything posted by Hansui

  1. favorite : Portland - i like it for unknown reasons least favorite : Shoreside Vale - its boring
  2. nah, i'm not an emo.... lol these very emotional guys just keeps me annoying, they felt that the world will end if they became insecure btw, its ok
  3. i'm Emo!!!! *slashing my wrist while crying* LOL!!! its A JOOOOKEEEE
  4. i'm now listening to my neighbor who was yelling to her dog
  5. a guy then approached and joined them... looooooooooool
  6. what do you mean? the trucking missions?
  7. i thought, the cat was in a boxing fight
  8. TFY, enjoy your vacation... btw, aznn, what should we discuss?
  9. Hansui

    hi dude, give me a comment :P

  10. why does the Aztecas have no territory color?
  11. avi - 7/10 - huh? sig - 9/10 - cool person - actually cool guy
  12. i love learning especially in history, but math just give me a headache...
  13. at my class 85% of the people were pervs
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