here in my country, as far as i know, divorce and annulment is prohibited.
but yeah, if that was the only reason why the protestants seceded from Roman Catholic church, it is very immature.
I guess you'd have to as a Brit but from what history tells us King Henry the 8th got the title King when his brother died. His brother was married to a Spanish Queen which was an aranged marrage to bring the countries together. Henry had to accept her as his wife even though she was his brother's widow. He fell in lust or love for a girl named Anne which he had two children by the son was a still birth and a girl who went on to become Queen. Henry accused his new Queen Anne of being unfaithful and had her beheaded for treason. Like I said in my earlier post Christians seem to confuse politics with religion.
based on what i heard, King Henry VIII beheaded all of his wives who cannot produce him a son. And he kept finding a wife who can give him a son but the pope forbade him to marry again. And as a result, he broke away from Catholicism and created Anglican.