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Everything posted by Hansui

  1. its good but i wished you enlarged it to a better resolution, so both of us would benefit looking at it whole day, in that way, you can make me happy
  2. yeah, thanks alot... maraming salamat talaga pre malaki na utang ko sayo i tried it on a certain pr0n website i used to visit and it is now blocked, now my problem is solved. actually, i've been looking for a internet thingy like this for a long time. thanks Huck...
  3. um... guys i may sound hypocritical, but i need to download a free internet porn blocker which would stop my evil brother to watch porn using my laptop. He is always using my laptop to watch pr0nz as i can see in my firefox history, and it alarms me that virus may infect my laptop because of his daily visit to various pr0n websites. any suggestions? any help would be gratefully appreciated thnx
  4. happy birthday to Casper, Red Devil and steveplayer cheers guys
  5. Ne-yo - Go on girl hm... reminds me the only girl that i liked.
  6. she's quite cute, but i'm not a big fan of large tits
  7. worm (i dunno the exact name)... my hard drive were my GTA SA was installed had gone mad because of the USB of my brother... he didn't felt guilty about it and he didn't even apologized to me on what he did to my hard drive. I really hate him.
  8. y hello thar!!! w00t

  9. happy birthday Don! have a nice one
  10. ^ here in my school when i was 7 up to 9 years old... girls always have more privilege than boys, i mean, when a girl did a serious offense, they weren't reprimanded or suspended by the school principal and the boys eventually will be punished for no reason. i hate it seriously, that made me quite misogynist when i entered highschool. But at least i'm trying to be kind most of the times
  11. i don't care much about the HUD of the game, but every time i see the GTA3/VC health system, i kinda feel quite nostalgic
  12. i think rights of women is very fair, since democracy became the form of government of most nations
  13. welcome back, haven't seen you around for a while
  14. Hansui

    New Idea

    the idea is nice but that would enable player's wildest imaginations like making a mafia dude but dressed in mascot or clown costumes... that is just annoying
  15. welcome to the forums, but yah, i noticed that you've been here for a considerable amount of time... and i hope you'll have a good time here
  16. actually you don't even need to use PS. you can just type first (of course in wrong spelling, so the italicized words would appear)... and then type a new one and then take a pic of it.
  17. I would love to see a High School Musical parody those guys just made me sick XD
  18. NO. We don't because we don't really celebrate it, although there are some communities (particularly the rich communities) that celebrate it. I never celebrated halloween since i was born. We have an occasion here called "Todos Los Santos" or All Souls Day, in which families go to cemeteries and pray for the dead. My family don't celebrate it either because the place where our dead relatives are buried is too far away, but instead we just light a candle for a day and don't make much noise (like playing music or what)
  19. You look like a girl? If look like GBA, then nah... i mean, the girl looks familiar to me. forgive me because my grammar sucks.
  20. even though i had a complete and happy extended family (including Hijack) i meet everyday, i always keep any problems to myself and i never told anyone about it... i dunno why, i'm just the kind of person who likes keeping secrets to himself. But they said its bad when you don't tell to other people what are you're problems... @woozie : b00biez
  21. yeah, like what Scott said, stay positive all the times negative thinking may make matters worse thank God i had a pretty happy family.
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