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Everything posted by Hansui

  1. i know some butt-kicking martial arts, i'll teach you for $1000 ;)

  2. meh, today was kinda boring... we have the last day of monthly exam tomorrow... it sucks that i have to go to school during weekend since my school year started last june, my life became very busy... visiting TGTAP is my only free time and temporarily forgetting my screwed up life
  3. yeah, but you didn't set your gender into female according to your profile yay another female! *drinks coke zero*
  4. Flint County what is the name of the intersection in Los Santos?
  5. thats so cool. i wish our school is like that, but instead where fighting the squatters around our school who are drug addicts. yeah its real, our school is surrounded by a depressed area
  6. lol. thats overpricing

  7. yo dude :)


  8. nothing, almost everytime, i forget my dreams by the time i wake up
  9. thanks, how you doin'?

  10. lol, but Paris is such a douchebag lady... hilary is more deserving
  11. lol. i thought that pic is a rockstar or whatever who likes to rock... you should add some eyeliners and slashed wrist.

  12. ok. i'll do... wait for me for a week and i'm right there inside your closet.

    btw, i bet you'll change you personal pic into an emo

  13. no, i'll cut your hand

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