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Everything posted by Hansui

  1. so true B)

    gorilla in the mist!

  2. I wasnt sure if the windows did really glow or if it was just a photoshop trick - they do. It was foggy there and that farm house freaks me out - its like Ed Gien mixed with Texas Chainsaw Masacre Also - Did you notice that Backpack ped apears at exactly 5:00, the same time the lights at the farm house go off? never saw anything weird there because i'm not a frequent visitor of Flint County...
  3. its natural but yeah, you got a point
  4. Hazer shouted : "Nooo, my balls!" Unnamed Noodle : "ZOMG, they are so tiny!" and then Noodle chased Raymond who escaped to Las Venturas and disguised as a mafia named Gaymond. meanwhile, TNF who is very busy doing his "job" went on to help Noodle on his mission... now they must find him and kill him.
  5. and a week later after having a week-long vacation somewhere in south america, Noodle went on to continue his mission... there, he found Raymond planning to revenge to Alucardo and testing his uberdildo's to some animals he found there. Noodle said : "OMG! poor animals were assaulted sexually by Raymond! I must save them!" Raymond said : "No, the dildo's are for Frida!! Not yours!" and a terrible fight happened TNF continue
  6. ok... but Raymond is such a formidable pedophile... i will lose
  7. i don't deserve it, i should be just one of the main characters who loves to rest and have fun
  8. the last one i watched so far is the olympics men basketball usa vs. argentina... but i think its hours ago
  9. Running around, Raymond humping on the socks and cummed on Frida's hands
  10. kjaslcxklsdhfascjlkasj ;aslfwos ;wi[pi[sopfsjkdfh opuigjsdlfhuei ii sdadasx sadjkslurijd odife;oksld [appps klww k;mc,.xmgioe hopasiojfsdlkj lwoas sodjoaiw;aosldklw;kgkdhgir[[[ oiweuwiueqwioc kiurusdnvm,x.cmvhiosd
  11. Hansui

    nice, almost exact opposite here.. :)

  12. Hansui

    good. i'm sure its not boring outthere ;)

  13. Hansui

    thnx. i'm quite fine

    its been very boring here

  14. yeah i find it slightly similar to Scientology which i find very weird
  15. its ok, here in my country, typhoons used to pass here every month
  16. yeah i noticed that too... but i hope activity will increase again soon
  17. hey, welcome to you both rumblecat and Dunning, have fun and stick around
  18. lol, yeah i just realized

  19. Flint County, where you stole the combine harvester for The Truth name three districts of Las Venturas
  20. you killed bigfoot? noooo!!!

    hi anyways :)

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