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Everything posted by Hansui

  1. yes, so true... first the pokemon, then man raped by a wombat, and now, a man arrested for having sex with a table... but actually, these things amuse me
  2. welcome idahongo, read the rules and i hope you'll enjoy your stay here
  3. yeah, it doesn't look like WTC, just look on the top that building, very different. Azn knows the real WTC, he's an expert about WTC
  4. welcome, read the rules and have fun with us just stick around and post
  5. life is cheap man, and then you die
  6. Konstantinos Smith : I hate everyone, apart from the undead. They're the only ones you can really get along with.
  7. thats fine to me, i think not all gamers just judge the game based on graphics...
  8. the assassin, maybe. i think we will never know...
  9. double post : i got 800
  10. i think there are 5 counties - Red County - Flint County - Whetstone - Tierra Robada - Bone County
  11. R* knows... i dunno if they reveal who draw the artworks
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