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Status Updates posted by JustADummy

  1. Hello!

    Hey, I see you like the FFM so why not put a link to the recruitment topic in your sig? :)

  2. My PC is custom-built.

  3. Specs (basic):

    Processor: Intel Quad 2 Core Q6600 @ 2.45Ghz

    Memory: 3GB

    GFX Card: nVidia GeForce 8500GT 512MB

    HDD: Samsung (something) 320GB

  4. NOOO!




  5. I read your comment in Llama's profile and I say:

    Why don't you come steal my PC. It is better than yours surely :P

  6. Woot!

    I'll register right NOW. :D

  7. Cool mod! :P

    *friend request approved*

  8. Yeah, but don't expect too much "come backs" because I'm SUPER busy with school and I have no time to go to my PC.

  9. Hi. sup?

    (Sorry if I made double message, I got net troubles)

  10. I accepted your friend request :D

  11. Yeah, I'm from portugal.

  12. I? I'm here xD

  13. Thank god you're boring :P (Joke)


  14. Whoa!

    I love your mods, and we both speak portuguese lol. You're brazillian, right?

  15. Bah, I'll add both. The mail one and the MSN ID one, they work with Messenger though. Yes, both.

  16. Concurz :o


  17. Hey, I'm warning you that you have a too big sig.

    You should remove the last image eh?

  18. Happy Birthday dude, have a good one and be sure to get some hot girls in Spain xD

  19. What's up, you're now admin at GTAGaming?

    Cool. Congrats.

  20. LOL!

    Dude, your GTA SA characters are funny :P

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