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About finallight

  • Birthday 04/29/1988

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    United States

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  1. I really liked my freeway to mall roof in Freekstyle, but my favorite stunt of mine would be this bump to stairs gap I did in my first vid. Then, I really liked that stair 2 bump 2 awning Kaneda did in Last Call, that was sweet!
  2. I like wmm2 and Vegas 5, Vegas looks super complicated at first, but it's actually pretty simple, and wmm2 is super simple and is good for short clips. I used a version of pinnacle before and I was just starting out so it seemed as though it sucked, and my video turned out very crappily edited, I might like it now though.
  3. Yes, I stunted gta3, but I wasn't doing a bunch of great stuff, just small flips, I would hit this one spot that would flip me when I was doing the taxi missions, it sucked when I didn't land it.
  4. I like stunting SA, but I like VC a bit more, mainly cause I've stunted it more. I would say that SA stunting is good, because it's a change, and it allows you to think more differently than you thought in VC.
  5. I feel that there are still tons of techniques and ideas for VC stunting.
  6. Carnage 2 Dysfunctional Game Over Tombstone Fury RPM Last Call Velocity Are vids that come to mind. You can find all or most good vids at gtastunting.com, thegamersalliance.com, and filefront.com.
  7. A stunt vid, hope you enjoy it. Low res (35mb) Freekstyle High res (67mb) Freekstyle
  8. Why not, just cause I don't like one doesn't mean that other people won't like one. About people not being into stunts vids...I guess it's kinda hard to understand stunting when your not a stunter.
  9. Hello, just joined, although you may have heard of me. I would like to share my stunt videos with you, new and old, I hope you enjoy them. never wake up My first vid, poor quality. Outbreak My second vid, I do not like it very much. Theory My third vid, a collaboration with another stunter. That is all for now...
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